1. “The ASTPS Team was out of this world!! Truly exceeded all my expectations. The curriculum covered all the bases and was thoroughly explained. Often throughout the training, the presenter would answer questions that came to mind without a need to post in Q&A. Looking forward to watching the replays a few more times to add what I can to my notes. The riveting stories from the trenches were not only insightful but empowering. I feel that these experiences helped me to see the importance of due diligence, to set realistic expectations, and the know-how to face challenges that may present themselves. Thank you all for your generosity and genuine desire to enrich us with your knowledge and experience.” Dora M.
Tax Resolution Accelerator Reviews

2. “This was an incredible series. The value of what we received these weeks was amazing – the sessions and the physical handouts and items provided and support. It is without question the best organized training I’ve ever been to. And I plan to attend again!” – Christy N.

3. “I think this was an incredibly well thought out and complete program – it’s a lot to learn (and I’ve taken the Book Camp in the past), and sometimes there is so much material it sort of makes your head spin a bit, but Larry, Steve and LG are incredible presenters and teachers. I take a LOT of CPE classes, in all sorts of subjects, and 99% of them don’t really hold my attention, even though I want to learn more about the subjects – a lot of it comes down to the presentation, and they do a great job! I feel very comfortable with my knowledge of the procedures involved in tax resolution – I just need to get more comfortable with actually dealing with the IRS on the phone.” – Lauri P.

4. “Excellent course!!! This course has been well designed. The presenters did a fantastic job, as usual. Angelene was on steroids answering the questions. Mitch did a great job keeping the presenters on schedule. The course material is top-notch. As a beginner, I appreciate how the course logically pulls everything together to help us understand every aspect of tax resolution work. I am so excited about this course that I have already started reviewing the recording, for reinforcement. You guys are tax resolution rock stars. Thank you for a great learning experience.” Darlene W.

5. “I’ve been doing this type of work for a few decades now, and have attended a few boot camps with ASTPS as well your current Accelerator program. I always lean something new and as well as being refreshed on knowledge that has slipped by along the way. Always a pleasure, keep up the great work. It’s a privilege to know you guys. I appreciate all of your effort in putting together an excellent program. It’s a must go to event for each of my staff before they could ever sit in front of a resolution client or potential client. Top notch in every way. Thanks.” – Todd W.

6. “The presentation and the material was amazing! Prior to this course, I was not confident in demonstrating or applying the knowledge that I know I have. This course made me more comfortable and knowledgeable when it comes to tax resolution. I am so excited to implement the skills and resources that I learned this month. I am honored to be a part of the inaugural Accelerator course. The instructors were on point as usual and very engaging. Thank you again for the opportunity and the knowledge!” – Leri L.

7. “Thank you so much for the wonderful experience. I learned a lot. I’m glad I attended the live sessions because it was great seeing everyone. All the speakers have inspired me to do the work so I can hopefully someday be like them and provide great service to my clients. All the stuff was wonderful, too! Meeting the other participants in person also gave me courage to do this, everyone was so generous with sharing their inputs. I think that the price I paid is worth it. I think, with everything we got from the training, you can even charge more next time. Thank you for a job well done!” – Reinafe L.

8. “I enjoyed spending time with Larry, LG, Steve, and Mitch. You guys, and Carolyn, are like family in so many ways. This time, compared to the Boot Camp, I found specific information to help in my Tax Resolution practice. How to bring success for my clients is most important, for me, and I felt supported in that commitment by the faculty of the Accelerator program. One thing I would like to see more of is detailed information about the technical side of handling liens for the Real Estate offices nearby. And, if there was a Payroll Tax Bootcamp I would attend in a heartbeat.” – Mike L.

9. “The most amazing value for the money! It was like going to a fire hydrant for a drink of water. The high energy and enthusiasm of all the presenters, every minute of the sessions, was a key quality that I will strive to emulate. The level of experience and knowledge that has been obviously applied to lucrative practices is breathtaking. I am so lucky to have found ASTPS and signed up for this inaugural launch!” – John M.

10. “As per usual, the training was excellent. Presenters are the most knowledgeable in the business. I particularly find all the things given to us in the Marketing Download to be the most significant for me. All these tools are complete and well thought out. Ready to use and applicable. The marketing part done by Mitch was excellent. Tried and proven methods brought up to date with our online world. Thanks again to everyone.“ – Eric H.

11. “Thanks to all the presenters. Each of you were very professional and knowledgeable about the topics presented. Thank you for taking us all by the hand and going step by step through this Tax Resolution training. I am encouraged, I feel fortified and confident to take away all the knowledge obtained from this course and began to implement within our firm. ACCELERATOR 001 was Awesome!” – Wanda H.

12. “It was Fantastic! It helped clear up misconceptions and gave me a first-hand…….hands on for certain parts of resolution in which I had not attempted yet. I highly recommend this to any EA or anyone who wants to be more proficient and confident in handling Tax Resolution. Again really Loved this class.” – Cynthia G.

13. “This has been an awesome journey. I have learned so much and feel more confident about going through my first and early cases. Knowing you are behind me and that I can also call on you does give me the confidence to begin. The resources are phenomenal! I certainly hope you will do this again next year.” – Beth G.

14. “I really appreciate the knowledge. I feel after this course that I am more confident in my ability to help folks resolve tax problems. I learned so much, I know that I still have quite a bit to learn, however, I am super excited to get started offering this service and looking forward to learning more from you guys in the near future. Thank you to all the presenters and staff of ASTPS for this very professional and informative training.“ – Leon D.

15. “This was awesome! I had my entire staff attend and they are over the over the moon (pun intended!). You guys are great, and I love that I found you guys’ last year when I did. Wish I knew about you earlier.” – Randy H.

16. “Time is money. This program was worth every penny. An investment of time and money that was well spent. Thanks, ASTPS” – Donna H.

17. “This was my first experience with tax resolution training, and it was awesome! I learned so much! I can’t wait to put my training into practice. Thank you for sharing your time and talent.” – Deborah J.

18. “I have never met or seen CPAs, EAs and Attorneys like ASTPS group. Kudos to everyone! Marketing is awesome. I learn always a lot. Looking forward for next from AFTPS learning process! Thank you. “ – Engjellushe K.

19. “I really loved this training. It clarified some of the things I used to be confused about. I hope this training continue to happen every year. Love it. Thank you to all for creating this training, really appreciate it.” – Fanta K.

20. “I had a great time. I loved the in-person experience in Arlington and the instructors are top -notch and very approachable. I’ve been to many ASTPS events, but I really think this one was the best of them all.” – Peter M.

21. “I really appreciate the material and presentation. I look forward to applying what I learned, and I am sure I will refer to the information again and again.” – David M.

22. “WOW! Mitch! This has been great! Thank you to you and Larry for today’s Client Management, Marketing and Fee Development presentation! And especially the ‘What to do Right Now’! I really thought the Boot Camp was great a couple of years ago, but this Accelerator Program is even better! <3 I always say how much I love LG, but I really love all of you guys and gals!!!” – Jeannette B.

23. “This program has helped me immensely. I am extremely happy to have participated throughout the stages and my take always are great. Implementation of new ideas and processes seems so much easier to set in motion. Thanks to all involved in the Accelerator 001 engine!” – Toni C.

24. “Your presenters compliment each other well. As a new EA, this really added to my confidence to put more directed efforts into my business. By next summer, I expect that I will be making an exit strategy from my teaching position thanks to the wealth of information provided here. Thank you.” – Mark P.

25. “This was a great course. I am a bankruptcy attorney that has just started my endeavor into tax resolution. We do have Roz’s program, but it is not very focused on the actual practice of tax resolution. This has given me a lot of information to use in the practicality of actually resolving tax cases. Thanks so much!” – Tiffany P.

26. “I’m an NPTI fellow and I’ve taken the boot camp with you before. The accelerator has definitely taken your program to a whole new level. I’ve checked out pretty much every big representation program out there and I haven’t seen any that offer quite what you do now, with your extra technical instruction and the practice management help. I’ve always suggested people take both the NTPI and join ASTPS, taking the boot camp, but now, if they were only going to do one thing to start out in representation, I’d suggest joining ASTPS and taking the accelerator.” – Donald Z.

27. “This was a great seminar. I feel excited and nervous to get started in tax resolution. I glad that I joined ASTPS to support me with my new tax resolution business!” – Edward S.

28. “This was a very informative series. I believe that you have given us the tools to look up and learn about all the resolution options and how to present cases to the IRS. There is much material to go over to really get a deep understanding of the process which is complicated.” – Eliezer A.

29. “This is a relaxed yet focused training forum for a niche that is much needed. There aren’t a lot of opportunities to learn this specialized subject, so I really appreciate all of you and what you offer and for being genuine, interesting, and likable. I will continue to take your courses and grow through your various training classes.” – Melanie C.

30. “This Accelerator course was a real eye opener, and it will be a huge help getting my resolution business off the ground and hopefully I can do less tax returns. thank you so much for the amazing course.” – Timothy B.

31. “I love this course. The presenters are knowledgeable and personable. Unlike other classes I really feel like I could ask questions after class is over.” – Keri A.

32. “Fabulous! There is a lot of material to digest, and I’ll be going back through the videos to develop scripts for me to use.” – Megan A.

33. “I’ve been doing this for a while, and it made me realize there is still much to learn.” – John A.

34. “Your presentations have all been really good. I came into this with the idea of it being a refresher. I’ve been doing tax resolution for eight years and I still learned a considerable amount.” – Tamara H.

35. “A lot of effort was put into this program and it shows. I am honored to be a member of the inaugural Accelerator program. The word will spread on how good this is.” – Carlton P.

36. “This is a great course, especially for someone just getting started in Resolution.” – Carrie C.

37. “I very much like the fact that you guys do not only concentrate on the technical part of this discipline, but also how to market our services. Thank you much!” – Diego C.

38. “Gave me a real solid foundation to finally assist staff with tax resolutions issues” – Darnel B.

39. “Well organized. Logically presented.” – Keith C.

40. “You guys are ALL AWESOME and I look forward to working with you more!” – Pete D.

41. “A wealth of information, engaging and interactive.” – Tony H.

42. “Very well organized. Thank you for filling in the gaps.” – Jesse J.

43. “Yes, it did help a lot since I’ve been questioning myself with a lot of my work. It’s also amazing to now have a network of other individuals in my shoes that I can reach out to since I’m solo for now. Thanks!”” – Janell P.

44. “I really enjoyed the Accelerator. I gained valuable information, including resources to help in my success.” – Ergedine P.

45. “It was a very good program. I received a lot of information on how to get started, and perform the job.” – Leonard P.

46. “As an attendee of two previous Bootcamps, hands down, the Accelerator blows them away. Thanks for developing this expanded offering. Excited to hear about the new membership offering!” – Maari R.

47. “Better than the Boot Camps! The Accelerator gives you the who, what, when, where, why, and how to effectively represent tax resolution clients. Great instructors. Awesome staff. I recommend you take this course and put what you learned to good use.” – Val S.

48. “The whole course was absolutely amazing. So much information yet explained so well it never felt like information overload. Speakers were all great.” – Thomas S.

49. “I think that the technical information disseminated, case studies, and marketing techniques discussed are beneficial to grow a Tax Resolution practice.” – Lloyd B.

50. “It has been tremendous help and I am so happy you are here as a resource for me!” – Vicki H.

51. “I have learned a lot. Of course, there is much more to learn as well. It is time it dives into some real life cases and continue the learning process. Thank you all very much.” – Bascum H.

52. “Since taking the Boot Camp twice and the Rescue Squad, I’m happy to say this filled in a lot of loose ends on information I wasn’t really confident on. you are all great.” – Melissa P.

53. “Thank you so very much! This course was AWESOME! I do feel more confident now and I am going to just go for it.” – Reba S.

54. “As always, this was an excellent course. Thanks Guys” – Kendall M.

55. “Loved it! Thank you.” – Zelma D.

56. “Wonderful course” – Keith L.

57. “It was great! Thanks” – Yolanda L.

58. “I liked the format and material shared. It didn’t feel overwhelming since it was presented in weekly sessions.” – Monica T.

59. “I appreciated the in-person class with the additional virtual classes. This was my second time taking the course and got more out of it this time than the first. I would like to see an ethics CEU offered with this course. The materials cover enough for ethics to be given. Keep up the good work!” – Kismet M.

60. “Excellent program. Both content and the presentation. If I could just add one wish. Examples and details of various book content was left to me to write in the note section. So, while I’m doing that, I’m missing things that are said. Maybe the issue is me. But if more of the examples and details are part of the content that would be great. Or if the presentation was available to listen to again beyond, I think you said 30 days? That would be great also. Still an excellent program. Thanks for doing it. Looking forward to seeing what you are going to unveil next week.” – Scott C.

61. “I have more confidence now to take make the switch from tax preparation to tax resolution. The binder will serve as a reference manual for me going forward until I do another Accelerator in 2 years. In my opinion this is the most comprehensive tax resolution class available. Big shout out to LG” – Hopeton S.

62. “I think it was great. I’ve been an EA for ten years but resisted representation. I feel more confident now to try.” – Debbie E.

63. “I’ve been in professional services for almost 30 years. I have taken dozens of training programs over the years. This was truly one of the best training programs I’ve ever attended. The materials, the facilitators, the topics, and the delivery were so far and above what I expected, I was truly surprised. Thank you for doing such an excellent job.” – James D.

64. “The Accelerator program was everything you descripted plus more. I feel more confident to promote tax resolution services in my practice. Thank you to everyone for a job well done.” – Carol T.

65. “Very nice, send info about the new membership Accelerator membership. We just upgraded to the Premium !!!” – Debbie E.

66. ““Had to miss some sessions due to pre-existing conflicts. Review of recordings is helpful. Look forward to new membership opportunities and availability of consulting calls as I have a couple of clients in a mess. Overall excellent investment of time and resources.” – Ken S.

67. “ASTPS focus on “how to” was great! I also did a marketing seminar with Michael Roz. They work together very well.” – Karen C.

68. “Excellent course! I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning about tax resolution or starting a tax resolution business.” – Darrell J.

69. “Excellent training. Comprehensive preparation for entering the tax resolution business. thank you, ASTPS!” – Michael C.

70. “Great class and instructors. Instructors were engaging and knowledgeable. LG was so funny! Loved the marketing, templates and flow charts.” – Susan K.

71. “Great job combining a class with an audience physically present with an online audience! I know from experience that is not easy to pull off.” – Gary P.

72. “I am new to Tax Resolution. So far this has been the best class. I learned how we can help our clients and the options available to them. Also learned tips on other things to consider when coming up with a plan in resolving IRS problems. The IRM’s and IRC’s are daunting but the more I do it the more I will learn. Thank you.” – Alton C.

73. “I have attended several other programs both virtually and in person over the past three years, and the Accelerator program is superior to all of them. I will be attending other Accelerator programs going forward.” – Ronald B.

74. “I am really grateful for all the downloads in addition to the teaching. I was honestly deeply touched by the level of respect and care that presenters showed to attendees. There are so many bad unprofessional unlicensed tax preparers in my area and I was looking for pro network with high level of integrity and professionalism to learn from. Time during Accelerator definitely changed my mindset to the way of highly respectful and professional attitude towards both clients and IRS personal. Big thank you to everyone in ASTPS team!” – Angie G.

75. “I have taken prior TPR courses/boot-camps from ASTPS. This format was definitely superior and provided a higher level of value. It was a seriously professional presentation, the live event and the virtual sessions. Great Job all. Rock on! :)” – Victoria S.

76. “I loved it! I love the family culture of the staff. Presenters were very informative and entertaining. Kept my attention the whole time. Also, you can tell they are passionate about what they do. Thank you all for a great experience!” – Garri G.

77. “I thought the course was awesome. I was looking for the nuts and bolts of tax resolution. I think this course provided that. My confidence has improved.” – Dennis S.

78. “Nice refresher course for me. Attended Bootcamp in 2016 and I did learn something in each segment. Truly enjoyed all the presentations and I am thankful for all the hard work everyone put into the project.” – Nolan P.

79. “REALLY enjoyed the program. Got a lot of good information, learned, and improved my skills. Would do it again!” – Fred T.

80. “Taking the Accelerator course annually sharpens my skills and always brings new information to light.” – Brian B.

81. “This is one of the best training courses I have taken in my career! Thank you for expanding the objectives discussed in Boot Camp to assist us in building a more successful tax resolution practice!” – Angela T.

82. “This program is the best and most comprehensive I’ve experienced so far. A real stepping stone to get started in tax resolution. It was a great pleasure to meet everyone in person.” – Mathieu J.

83. “”This was an amazing course! I have been doing tax resolution for 16 years. This is the best course for this material and the most relevant to my work, that I have experienced. Thank you so much!” – Beth E.

84. “This Accelerator program is exactly what is needed not only for those just starting in the tax resolution services but also greatly benefits those who are already in this type of service. Thanks for the great presentations.” – Guadalupe M.

85. “ASTPS really DOES ROCK! You guys are all amazing, and I have learned so very much, I can’t wait for 2023. Of course I have already started raising fees and being confident, but I hope by next year to have all my ducks in a row and templates/processes, etc. in place for 2023 to really do what I love! Thank you again so much!!” – Angela L.

86. “Love how much more expanded this is vs Bootcamp that was previously offered! And I like that it’s spread out over time. Doing this online also helps to save travel fees which is a plus!” – Kyle M.

87. “Very good information presented by enthusiastic and well informed practitioners.” – Michael S.

88. “I am new to tax resolution and I am happy for all the knowledge and information I have received from all of you! Thank you for the great course!” – Monica M.

89. “Awesome! Incredibly value and comprehensive program.” – Gregory K.

90. “Everything was great. Loved all the real life examples and knowledge. Going to rewatch a few sessions to make sure I didn’t miss anything.” – Kent B.

91. “Excellent training. Comprehensive preparation for entering the tax resolution business. Thank you, ASTPS!” – Michael C.

92. “Great information. Will be using it a lot!” – Khalid C.

93. “It was an overall excellent program.” – Boyce G.

94. “Always Great!” – Renee S.

95. “This course helped tremendously!” – Dawn B.

96. “Very good overview of Tax Resolution!” – Jonathan L.

97. “Was an excellent program. I got a lot of my questions cleared up. This course is a must for beginners. Thanks for a great experience.” – David K.

98. “The program taught me what I did wrong in the past representing a client, what I can do to improve my reprotection of clients in the future and I learned the important of timing and reading the notice my client received and to have the clients to provide me with all notices for any taxing agency. I feel more conference in speaking with agents and to getting more information from the agents (all of the agent contacting information as well as their supervising contact information).” – Barry H.

99. “Accelerator was great both for entry level, intermediate and advanced practitioners. There is always something to learn.” – Michael L.

100. “As a well-travelled former IRS Employee (30 years) with Submission Processing, Customer Service, Criminal Investigation, Disclosure and Collections background, I found this course to be a great blend of perspectives! The presenters relayed a wealth of knowledge gleaned from experience in their respective fields.
The course contained not only accurate and instructional technical elements, but valuable real-world examples of cases and issues only years of experience can provide. Thanks to the team for all your hard work and time spent on an excellent product!” – Bryon E.

101. “Really amazing! Folks, just no words to describe my satisfaction on investing in my practice to get it to the next level. I am new EA in 2021, but more than 30 years as Accountant, Comptroller & Tax Professional Preparer. I decided to become a member a year ago. In this field we can never stop learning. I need to take this one more time, but for now on ASTPS has equipped me to be more confident. Thanks for greats instructors. Mr. Larry, L.G., Steve, Angeline, Mitchell Etc. see ya again soon!” – Jorge P.

102. “I thought the Accelerator course was a great refresher from a previously attended Boot Camp and Advanced Boot Camp. The materials and information were great. ASTPS staff was amazing as usual. Great job and happy to be back!” – Michael L.

103. “I feel like I am connecting the dots BUT, I am not done yet. Gaining more confidence with how to approach payments and situations that we try to avoid but ultimately come across and can be a stumbling experience. It helps having a step up to get on board. Truly been a great experience and great to see you all in person in Orlando. I look forward to more.” – Tina H.

104. “You folks are the best so glad I’ve taken the course” – Bernice B.

105. “Great presenters. I found the course chock full of information and I think I’m a likely candidate for a refresher course next year. I’m happy with my purchase. It was also great to hear about the non-technical spill about the headset. I purchased a headset the same day Larry discussed it. Will highly recommend for people who want to learn more or hone their skills.” – Antonio C.

106. “I encourage everyone interested in tax resolution to take the ASTPS Accelerator course regardless if this is your first year or fifteenth year doing resolution you are going to learn something new! I love the amount of time the team at ASTPS gives to providing a class act and helping us all be the best we can be!!” – Arianna C.

107. “As an attendee of the Boot Camp as well as other courses, I think this course was outstanding. The instructors did a great job at the technical issues as always. What makes this a bit different than other organizations are the stories that go along with the technical guidance. The breaks in between sessions helped absorb the material as opposed to going to a 2 or 3 day program and getting right back to work when leaving, often never looking at the information again. For those new in the industry, the sessions helping to understand how to handle clients, market and run the business are especially helpful in getting started. I am happy I attended!” – Bob J.

108. “ASTPS training is the best in the business. My wife and I are repeat customers, and plan to continue. I’d like to give a shout out to Billy (new guy). I have heard him speak on some of your webinars and he is doing a great job. Also, Mitch who gave the last segment on marketing did a traffic job. This program was overall excellent. I would definitely recommend the accelerator to others.” – Bryan C.

109. “I liked that Larry and the team have been so helpful and responsive to questions. I have a better understanding of the HOW to do it, and (almost) believe that I can successfully handle my first resolution case. (Now to implement all I have learned!)” – Amy L.

110. “Worth every minute; Worth every cent!” – David O.

111. “For me it has been an awakening of how cases should be worked with the IRS in the representation part. Totally different from what tax preparation is (you must know the laws). I understand that it is a new field for me, but they have helped me to organize myself and better understand the Representation process, I still have a lot to learn, but I thank you for the trainings. I applaud you” – Carmen R.

112. “This program was excellent and I learned a lot of details that will help me better serve my clients and close cases!” – Edmund R.

113. “This is a by far the most comprehensive tax resolution courses that I have ever attended! Way to go Larry & the gang” – Brian G.

114. “Definitely helped me feel a little more confident in getting starting. I think it is so much information the format was great to spread it out. I prefer in person learning but this time I felt like I learned both ways.” – Jacquelyn C.

115. “This course was fantastic and provided me with a wealth of information. It is still a little intimidating to work on the resolution cases but with the support of ASTPS and Roz Strategies I think I will be prepared. I look forward to a long relationship.” – Jeff P.

116. “Each of the 4 instructors was knowledgeable, informative & engaging. Their expertise & skills were readily apparent in the content they taught. I found LG & Steven equally interesting and funny with their quips and stories. Larry was more matter of fact, and in addition to all of the great info he imparted, had great recounts of situations in his many years in practice. Billy was great part of the team since he was formerly in the IRS and could impart knowledge & useful techniques from his years on the “inside”. I was fortunate to attend the on-sight instruction for 3 days & the time flew by quickly! The further experience to collaborate with the instructors and practitioner were golden moments filled with bits of additional knowledge & tools to use in this practice. I highly recommend this course for anyone considering IRS tax resolution. You owe it to yourself to spend the time getting more educated and gaining confidence to assist your clients with expertise!” – Katherine L.

117. “This class was amazing. I have been in business for 40 years July 2023 I have been doing resolutions never charging the appropriate amount including it as part of a tax return. I will now make at least three to $400,000 more than I have ever made in my life thank you so much I’m picking up the money off of the table. I am just the practitioner because I’ve struggled for 30 years to pass to EA exam. You have given me the confidence and the tools to take the exam again and pass. Thank you so much. I am so motivated.” – Audrey S.

118. “I thoroughly enjoyed the Accelerator!! The presenters were all very passionate and knowledgeable- you can tell they really love teaching about Tax Resolution!!! I learned a lot and it’s very likely that I will do this program again!” – Kristen C.

119. “The Accelerator program was very well put together and presented! I obtained lots of “Golden Nuggets” throughout the entire training. Thank you!” – Michelle N.

120. “The wealth of Tax resolution knowledge exhibited at the training event by Larry, Steve, and LG Brooks were outstanding. I recommend every aspiring tax resolution practitioner to take this class. This is all you need to get started.” – Mike O.

121. “Sometimes I feel that the more knowledge I gain the more I realize the things that I don’t know enough about. That is what keeps me coming back, to gain more knowledge and fine tune the skills that I am building.” – Marilyn M.

122. “I love the part of real-life experience, techniques and tips. Also I love the Q&A session was addressed timely and thoroughly. I learned a ton from this course and I’ll be coming back and listen to the recording again to understand everything better!” – Ruby K.

123. “I have taken some classes from NAEA, but not since I found ASTPS, ASTPS is much better. I like the Accelerator better than the Bootcamp last year, you have measurably added to the material from the Bootcamp last year. I recommend ASTPS to all tax people that I meet, a few have signed up with you over the last couple of years!” – Sarah Q.

124. “I really enjoy the trainings, very good education.” – Ronald K.

125. “Great course. Lots to learn and gain confidence doing.” – Sheila H.

126. “I like the fact of the step by step process and practice exercise cases” – Stacey K.

127. “Excellent course and format with excellent instructors. The binder and workbook will be a great resource as I venture further into resolution.” – Milton C.

128. “I thought it was well worth my time. The practice exercises were also helpful to apply the concepts. Appreciated the PitBullTax trial.” – Teresa P.

129. “Every time I take a ASTPS course I always learn something new. ” – Vickie S.

130. “Excellent work putting everything together! The spreading out of the accelerator course definitely gives you time to understand and having the tapes to go back if you missed helped greatly. And the practice management on last day was very beneficial. Thank you very much!” – William D.

131. “The course really makes certain tasks feel more comfortable knowing the information regarding tax resolution even as an assistant knowing how to engage with tax resolution clients should be more effective in getting them through the door at our firm.” – Alexander H.

132. “I have been a CPA for over 35 years and this course was by far the best one I have ever attended. I currently have a couple of IRS cases pending and this course will definitely help me in the resolution of these cases. I prepared my one and only OIC case a couple of years ago and can see why it was rejected by IRS based on what I learned about OIC’s from this course. I will be attending future courses offered by ASTPS. The cost of this training was well worth it.” – Debra H.

133. “Y’all were great – there is a LOT of material here – so I will be coming back next year…. the info was all great and was well-presented. Some things were a little fast (bc there is SO much!!) – but really well done, overall – the different speakers were great, and Angelene was VERY helpful to those of us attending virtually, rather than live.” – Daniel C.

134. “I am gratified to see the format and content of the Accelerator course. It’s a great introduction at a very sophisticated level for introduction to problem solving and continuing education. In addition, it is an entertaining presentation that makes it pleasing to sit for hours hanging on the next word, next presentation etc. Congratulations.” – Angel S.

135. “”I enjoyed the complete series. I think this is an avenue I want to pursue and begin representation. I plan to move forward and implement the suggestions made.
I think this will enhance my income enough to reduce tax practice from 500 clients to about 300 or less. Thank you for your efforts in the presentations. I will be in touch after the holidays!” – Jeffrey F.

136. “I have followed you for the 20 years you’ve been around. Your instruction is very helpful and you guys know a lot. I look forward to working with you in the future.” – Lloyd M.

137. “An excellent program overall, perhaps a little more “hands on” as far as actually communicating with the IRS. Where, how, etc. would be helpful. I enjoyed the presenters and I learned a great deal. Thanks!” – John D.

138. “Presenters were excellent! As always, I learn something each time I attend. Always worthwhile. Keep up the good work.” – Aubrey C.

139. “I learned new exceptional things about some procedures with the IRS. As an accounting professional I learned how to represent clients before the IRS. to resolve tax issues. First, I have never obtained my CPA license. However, I am planning to obtain an EA in the meantime to represent my clients before the IRS. I am an unenrolled tax preparer participating in the Annual Filing Season Program. The material is very useful and valuable. This course motivates me to obtain my EA license to apply the knowledge that I learned in this seminar. Thank you so much for sharing with us.” – Mercedes M.

140. “The entire course has helped me to feel more confident. Over the course of my career, I realize I have done a number of tax resolutions. I have to personally work on my anxiety representing clients directly with the IRS, without their presence. This is going to be the year I step out of my comfort zone! Thank you ASTPS. I find every person I have had contact with to be exemplary. Lydia, Carolyn, Mitch, Angelene, Steve, LG and Larry. I hope to be at a live course to meet you all in person. This course did illustrate to me the value of live meetings.
Happy Holidays, get rest in the New Year!” – Robin C.

141. “The information provided was very helpful and I’m more confident with the knowledge received. However, since its my first time learning about the program, I will need more guidance and support to say I’m ready to go out and work alone. The only source of information and support I currently have is the material, notes taken during the course, google, and the IRS. I will do my best to continue learning and use the material learn to advance my knowledge, one step at a time. Thank you for all your knowledge shared during the course.” – Guadalupe M.

142. “The material coverage was great. I liked the going through the case studies. It clarified what you the material taught during the previous sessions.” – Maureen J.

143. “Course instructors were very friendly and knowledgeable. Course materials were very useful. Pitbull contacted me and I purchased the years programs. Very thankful I signed up for this program. I am an accountant so the marketing and pricing is going to be very helpful.” – Neal D.

144. “Thank you very much. This course really filled out from the old Boot Camp days. Very good indeed and well worth the extra hours. Merry Christmas to all at ASTPS!” – Todd O.

145. “I work for a family business (3 preparers including myself) focusing primarily on income tax prep for individuals and businesses. We do about 2500 returns a year so trying to help limit that. Definitely will take to heart charging for everything and making sure everyone is paying what that should. I’m fourth generation in the business and the first EA. We have never offered tax resolution, even though we’ve had people ask, because we never felt comfortable. After taking this course I feel fully prepared to begin tax resolution so thank you all for that. A client came in this week so I already about to test out what I learned so I’ll see how well I absorbed the material.” – Tyler C.

146. “As a former IRS employee experienced in taking training classes. I thoroughly benefited from the class. I enrolled in the Tax Resolution Practice Builder . I have been doing tax resolution on a small scale since 2015, but charged a small fee for my services. I took this class after one by Michel Rozbruch. I knew there were pieces that I did not have. I knew from IRS perspective but from outside working in I was so unsure and want to do a good job for the new fee that I am building. Great job, Working on my engagement ltr and fee structure. Thank you for being there.” – Mary J.

147. “Overall this course is going to be very useful in my day to day resolution practice. Really well put together, made what is an extremely grey area in taxes really interesting and straight forward. But honestly, I personally need additional classes to better prepare for real life cases and I know that by being a member of ASTPS I will achieve the confidence needed to move forward.” – Dalma V.

148. “The program is great however I would of liked an extra day in person and scrap a couple of the on line things. Yes I am old fashion but even the online stuff has been great and I have learned much. The program is so vast that I will probably take it again to make sure that I did understand everything. I would like to see all the handout style sheets and worksheets put in the work book so I could use them or use them to design my own.” – Grant H.

149. “The material of this course covers a lot of important things. I am super new to this field and I personally think I need to re-watch everything at least 2 more times to catch everything that was explained. So much information to process is so little time. Thank you so much.” – Rosario T.

150. “I think I have to jump in, and get help if I need help, especially with the more complicated cases. I can do an innocent spouse and a penalty abatement, no problem. It’s the OICs, CDP hearings, etc that I’m still a little unsure about. Thank you for explaining and teaching the process so well. Everyone is great, and different in their own way. It really makes for a great overall program.” – Robin W.

151. “The course was great and the contacts I made at ASTPS accelerator, was priceless. I will be going back next year.” – Maria L.

152. “Everything was very excellent and professional, I just would like to add more examples, and spend more time on cases.” – Patricia C.

153. “Great job team!! Very well organized program!” – Charles R.

154. “I feel much more confident to get my first case, and feel like I have enough information to represent the client!” – Valerie U.

155. “Awesome learning experience. Loved it!” – Raymond B.

156. “Awesome” – Brenda C.

157. “The Accelerator course was excellent and worth every penny. Every aspect of this course from the content to the administration to the execution and everything in between was fantastic and well planned. The ASTPS has a phenomenal staff and clearly has a great culture and training program. Thank you for being so thorough and professional in your commitment to helping practitioners improve their skills. They certainly don’t teach these topics when you study for the CPA exam or go through the curriculum to graduate with a B.S. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Public Accounting. Even working in a well known tax preparation firm may not provide the knowledge and experience you need in this field. I feel like I am standing on the shoulders of many giants with the insight I have been provided by the ASTPS and another network I subscribe to. Thank you for elevating the next generation of Tax Resolution professionals and for setting the bar all serious practitioners should hope to meet. I will be a member for the rest of my career.” – Zachary B.

158. “I’m a total newbie to tax resolution, and I don’t have what would appear to be the typical background in tax prep. At the very least, I’m guessing that there are not too many EA’s who are non-practicing attorneys who shifted to marketing for 20 years and then decided to pivot to tax resolution. I commend the ASTPS team for making the field appear attractive and do-able, while not glossing over its many challenges.
Even though I found that a good amount of the content was somewhat beyond where I am now, Accelerator nonetheless provided a very well thought out — and well executed — introduction to the world of tax resolution.
While I was hoping to complete the official Intro class before the start of Accelerator, my next step is to finish the Intro, along with taking in as many supplemental courses as possible before I start studying for the three parts of the EA exam. I’m happy to say that even though I have an incredible amount still to learn, I feel that I now have a much better sense of the many different aspects of an EA’s work, along with a decent understanding of both the significant challenges and the many opportunities in the field.
I really liked the variety of speakers, and you have an amazingly experienced, knowledgeable, entertaining and helpful team at ASTPS. (Big kudos to the behind-the-scenes crew!) Looking ahead, I’d welcome an even greater variety of speakers next time, as I find it really valuable to get a sense of the many different EA career paths and perspectives, not to mention hearing everyone’s personal war stories.
As we say in marketing, facts tell but stories sell (and are remembered!), and I really appreciated the willingness of your speakers to tell their stories, both good and bad. I do think a panel presentation could be an especially interesting — and entertaining — way to draw some of that out of your experts.
Without a doubt, as a marketing guy, I have a natural bias to that field, but I do think that the topic of marketing could have used more time, especially as it appears to be something that many EA’s struggle with.
There’s much more I could say, but hey, I’ve written a mini-novel by now…and it’s Friday night! Big congrats on a great production. I know how difficult these are to successfully pull off, and I think you did an excellent job of tackling the extra challenges presented by a weeks-long, hybrid event.
In the big picture, I’m truly thankful for the existence of ASTPS. I think it’s fair to say that you’re providing an invaluable service to the tax resolution community as a whole, and a very welcoming guide to those of us who are brand new to it.” – Phil N.

159. “As a virtual attendee, I was never made to feel like I was not apart of the learning. The speakers made sure to address those who attended virtually as well as in person.
I learned more than I expected I would. I loved it all: the assignments before the accelerator start date, the materials, resources, skool classroom community, everything. Everything was Excellent!” – Yinka A.

160. “Job well done! I learned a lot. Thanks for all the work you put into this program.” – Warren B

161. “This Accelerator was awesome! This was my 2nd time, and I love all the changes. It all came together this time, and I am so appreciative. I feel way more confident in my abilities.” – Catherine B.

162. “I love it. Thanks a lot for your time.
I am looking forward to seeing you again in future courses.” -Didi B

163. “This was an outstanding accelerator. The staff was personable, knowledgeable, and even funny! The materials were more than what I expected, and the hands-on mock case study was such a good primer. I can see taking this again after my first year of business, and I definitely would recommend it to both novices and experienced tax folks. Thank you!!!” – Richelle B.

164. “The class was well organized and flowed in a manner that was very helpful in the learning process.” – Linda C.

165. “I thoroughly enjoyed the entire course. From the presenters to the material. I would highly recommend taking courses for anyone in the tax industry.” – Jessica C.

166. “This was absolutely fabulous! Each speaker was great, and I appreciate each one. I have been taking CPE courses for lots of years. This program is like a Master’s Degree in Tax Resolution. It is nothing like any other CPE course I have ever taken. I really appreciate every professional involved in making it happen. Thank You!” – Keith C.

167. “Thank you so much! I have worked in tax resolution for the last two years. Most of the resolution work involved writing a few letters, but now I can say I am comfortable with the rest of the work.” – Teresa C.

168. “It’s really, really good. Even though this is more basic, the repetition really helps. I love pretty much everything ASTPS!” – Daniel C.

169. “It was a very helpful course that prepared me to offer a wider range of tax resolution services. Thank you!”- Heidi C.

200.”This course was outstanding. I had heard LG Brooks talk at an NAEA conference and that is the reason I took this course. I discovered that all of your speakers are great and very knowledgeable and this was money well spent.” – Charles C.

201. “I’ve worked in resolution with others for 10+ years now, but things have changed for me in the last couple of years. I truly enjoyed this and got SO much information. I can’t wait to review some sections, get organized, and move forward. I’m excited! Thank you all so much for these programs!”- Melissa D.

202.”The Accelerator was a complete seminar which guided me to have a better idea of what I want to do for the clients (I worked for a CPA), now I have to encourage my employer to join me on the effort of providing this service to our clientele successfully.
I believe the program covers individuals quite well, but now I need more training on business challenges.
Great job!” – Ana D.

203. “This was a fantastic course and I have learned enough to get started.
Thanks for the value!!!”- Karrie E.

204.”It was worth every dollar!” -Ezriel F.

205. “Excellent!”- Elizabeth F.

206.”This experience was a wealth of knowledge sprinkled with humor(or possibly the reverse is true). Each presenter’s personalities & teaching styles was a refreshing perspective on an otherwise dry topic.” – John G.

207. “I really appreciated Mitch’s marketing presentation! I appreciated all the tips and hints. Served as a good reminder of what I might be forgetting to do. Thank you. This was one of the best seminars/webinars I have ever attended in my 20+ years of tax education. It is for this reason that I do not hesitate to recommend ASTPS to any tax professional that is considering adding tax resolution to their skill set.”- Beth G.

208. “ASTPS always provides the best, most thorough tax resolution education. Once again, the Accelerator did not disappoint!” – Lorraine H.

209. “This was my second time taking the Accelerator. I learned some new things and reinforced other things I had previously learned. The course was very informative and enjoyable. I am seriously considering taking the certification course.”- Debra H.

210. “I really enjoyed the knowledge base the team at ASTPS possesses. Additionally, the enthusiasm for instructing and helping us to hopefully help others deal with the IRS is an incredible topic. Finally, Mitch is great at Marketing and IT. :-)” – Mark I.

211. “Thank you for all of the amazing insights, from start to finish, and for marketing! You are a great bunch to have in our corner!”-Marie K.

212. “I can’t express enough how fantastic this course has been for me! As someone new to representation, it’s been an absolute game-changer, providing clear guidance on what to do, where and when to do it, and who to reach out to. Joining this incredible company has truly been a joy, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. The presenters were incredibly confident and radiated enthusiasm and knowledge in every session, making the learning experience truly enjoyable. A big thank you for dedicating time to craft such an amazing program for us!” – Jinny K.

213.”ASTPS delivered!! Exceptional presenters. Expert practitioners. Excellent communication.”-DeShawn K.

214. “ASTPS never ceases to amaze me; the instructors are extremely knowledgeable and keep you engaged every minute of the presentation.” – Alanna K.

215.”I always learn a lot from ASTPS. I feel more confident in taking on a Resolution case now than I have in the past. I still have a lot to learn, but I know where to turn for help if needed!”- Amy L.

216. “This was an excellent course. I went from being “book smart” to feeling confident in tax resolution.” – Jacques L.

217.”I learned so much in so little time. I feel much more comfortable starting with tax resolution representation. “- Tristan L.

218. “The Accelerator really helped me understand enough to get started. I have a few cases in my office that I can begin, I didn’t know how to start them- Well, I do now! All the material and resources are available to me and I’m looking forward to the coaching calls. Thanks for putting together such a wonderful program.” – Cynthia M.

219.”The training was excellent. The speaker explained everything very well. I am so happy I took this course. Everything was laid out perfectly.”- Brenda M.

220. “Thank you so much. I took my first Accelerator in 2022, and either after having real-world experience with cases or revamping the course, I got so much out of this course this year. Things made sense, and I was able to be attentive the entire time. Thank you for all the work you put into this. It is truly remarkable how much walking through cases helped! I love the flow charts, too.” – Becki M.

221.”The class was great; you all provided invaluable information and resources. I feel the most confident I have about resolution.”- Marshawna M.

222. “This was an excellent program. I learned a great deal! The information provided and the expertise shown in the Accelerator were top-notch! Thank you very much!” – Eric M.

223.”It is outstanding material that is extremely helpful. I am eager to get started!”- Diane M.

224. “I got everything I wanted from this course and more. I gained practical knowledge that will give me the confidence to take on more resolution clients, which was the main objective. The practice-building aspects of the accelerator were surprisingly helpful. I learned what I need to do if I want to expand properly.” – Gregory N.

225.”I thought the course and the materials were excellent. The presenters were great, and their experiences connected the material with practical application. Each time I attend, I get more out of it.”- Michele N.

226. “This is my 2nd Accelerator and will not be my last. I learn and get refreshed in my knowledge. The instructors are excellent. The Accelerators are almost edu-tainment because besides learning, you are entertained.” – Robert P.

227.”I absolutely loved the course! I can’t think of a single thing I would want to be different. The entire course was so informative and I learned so many new things. My manual is marked up and will be a valuable tool in my practice for a long time. I also love how all of the instructors were entertaining and not so dry. I loved learning from everyone and cannot wait to come back!”- Amber P.

228. “The course and the instructors were very helpful and responsive. Bravo to them!” – Neil P.

229.”After becoming certified through another IRS tax resolution training company, I enrolled in the ASTPS accelerator for comparison. I do not regret my decision at all. I now feel 10 times more confident about going out and finding clients than I did before the accelerator. The combination of training and support materials provided by ASTPS is unmatched. A big thank you to the entire team for their hard work and dedication in delivering a top-tier training program. My goal is to get certified through ASTPS and consistently apply what I’ve learned to become a competent and trusted IRS problem solver.”- Rudy R.

230. “This program is absolutely amazing! I have been doing resolution work in one form or another for more than 11 years now, and I learned so much and believe that I will be an even better representative and advocate.” – Katrina R.

231.”The presentations have been informative and very thorough.”- Percy S.

232. “Your guidance has made me more confident to start this journey that seem so unattainable in the beginning. I am definitely more confident to start helping clients now.” – Sandra S.

233.”It gave me a track to run on. I have confidence now that I know how to represent the client. I need to continue studying the material. It was a great experience!”- Russell S.

234. “The course was excellent!” – Douglas S.

235.”The Accelerator met two very important requirements
1. The knowledge and experience of the presenters was excellent
2. Their personalities and willingness to engage one-on-one was excellent.
To attempt to do a professional job representing taxpayers before the IRS without the knowledge gained from attending the accelerator would be foolish”- John S.

236. “It never fails—I ALWAYS hear something that helps me. I only wish I had 1/10th of the knowledge that Larry, LG, and Angelene have. Also, Mitch has always had great marketing ideas.” – Renee S.

237.”It was an excellent four days. I was very happy with the seminar, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn tax resolution!”- Anthony T.

238. “Excellent course. ASTPS not only teaches you, but it also offers ongoing support.” – Louis T.

239.”ASTPS, “no one compares to you,” so thank you for your EXCELLENCE! I only took case resolution free classes during 2020 from another school before I learned of your school. My employer has training, but it’s NOT as strong of caliber as your classes. As soon as I learned about your curriculum, I was looking forward to having the savings to take your classes. I feel immensely grateful for ASTPS’s existence and help!!!!! The words thank you are not enough to express gratitude!”- Rebecca V.

240. “Excellent presentations by all. Very informative.” – Marc W.

241.”After 20 years of continuing education I finally have had the most relevant and interesting presentations. There is so much information that I will utilize the opportunity to watch all the sessions at least once more and many more times. I only wish I had taken this course sooner. I will be working towards certification!”- Jennifer W.

242. “This was the best course by far! It was interactive, and we were able to do mock cases, which brought it all together. We were also able to review live cases and get pointers on what to do. All of the teachers were phenomenal. They were very educated in their fields and loved what they did. What a wonderful organization. I’m glad to have found you.” – Gloria W.

243.”Can I just say…stellar? In every way possible. Thank you for your hard work and your care.”- Anonymous.
Boot Camp Reviews
The Boot Camp was the ASTPS Flagship course for nearly 15 years. In 2022 the Boot Camp was transformed into the ASTPS Accelerator. Everything that was in the Boot Camp is in the Accelerator plus a whole lot more!
1. “Worth every penny. Presenters give you the knowledge and tools to school the revenue agents/IRS!” – Shakirat Olanrewaju, CPA
2. I would highly recommend this program to any practitioner, old or new. Whether you have been practicing for over 13 years like I have, or are brand new to tax resolution there is something to learn, which translates into something you can earn! Thanks Larry & LG – Mike Wallen, EA
3. “Coming into this program I had little knowledge of the area. After the Boot Camp I can’t wait to take on my first case. This Boot Camp has given me the confidence I needed to move toward a tax representation career.” – Sarah Staab
4. “Absolutely loved the Boot Camp! Presenters were awesome and professional! I would diffidently recommend this program to my colleagues.” – Aleksey Kaplan
5. “I really enjoy this program. I brought 8 employees with me because I knew that this program was the best avenue for them to learn, and it worked – they have learned so much and are excited to use their new knowledge!” – Susan Taft
6. “This seminar was the key to the tax resolution castle. Now I feel more comfortable in understanding the tax collection process and how to help clients answer their tax relief prayers.” – Ron Friedman
7. “Though I have done collection for many years, this course did a great job of pulling the IRS’s position into focus. I feel my presentation in appeals will be more concise.” – S. Gulledge
8. “I feel like I can go forward with this business segment now. Still a lot to learn, but now I know where to look for answers.” – Caryn Thompson, CPA
9. “I found the lecturers to be knowledgeable and extremely entertaining – it made the days go by quickly.” -Yawar Jafri, EA
10. “No other program that I am aware of that better prepares a tax professional to immediately gain the knowledge and confidence needed to enter the tax resolution business.” – Warren Banfield
11. “The networking session provided a great opportunity to meet other professionals and discuss how to resolve real client’s issues.”- Iris I. Burnell
12. “I have spent 4 years attending live NAEA seminars to receive my NTPI fellow. I think I’ve learned more this week than I have in those years at NTPI. I will be back.” – Marilyn Mathis, EA
13. “Both Larry and LG are PHENOMENAL presenters.” – Vonda Bowens
14. “Excellent, effective presentation. Good real life examples.” – Gary Soltys, CPA
15. “Very informative and comprehensive. I have learned more than enough to assume my new tax resolution position.” – Adriano Pantino
16. “The boot camp presents an opportunity to help taxpayers resolve their problems with the IRS in a professional and knowledgeable manner.” – Lee Dorman
17. “The program provided me with a ton of reference resources.” – Jeremy Streeter, EA
18. “Enjoyed the presentation very much. I learned a lot that I will use in my practice.” – Nicholas Gebelt, ESQ.
19. “3rd year in a row I’ve been here and every year I learn a little more, and understand the material more. It’s great!!” – Robert Lewin
20. “It’s a great way to get a jump start on the fundamentals.” – Alissa Hollinger, CPA
21. “A great learning experience. I especially enjoyed LG’s enthusiasm and professionalism” – Lillie Mae Hubbard, CPA, ESQ.
22. “Very well done. Worth the time and investment.” – Tim Reed
23. “Great class & introduction to tax problem resolution.” – Kenneth Pybus
24. “Great program – learned valuable information which will help working with the IRS. Great presenters with a wealth of knowledge.” – Ron Mermer
25. “I have been looking for this type of seminar to learn more about tax resolution. I would recommend it to others.” – Eakub Khan
26. “Well presented.” – George Milhim
27. “I learned a wealth of knowledge at this boot camp.” – Prince Renaud
28. “Practical information for someone new to representation – definitely a confidence builder for this type of work! Great for not only explaining the info, but showing how they work in practice.” – William Deighan
29. “The instructors were exceptional; they’re passionate and experienced with IRS topics.” – Juan Diaz
30. “Thank you so much for the boot camp. I’m going to pour over all the notes and materials provided. I’m excited to get to work and actually make a big difference in people’s lives. Thanks again!” Jeff G.
31. “My first tax resolution seminar. From this, I know there will be more.” – Sean La Roque
32. “There was a lot of information that I did not know, and now I am able to proceed with more confidence.” – 2019 Attendee
33. “Great course – Thank You!” – Amichai Avraham
34. “This course is a confidence builder and a source of motivation.” – Anthony Modica
35. “Excellent program full of valuable information to make money with!” – Craig Cody
36. “I spent 30 years building a tax practice with no mentor, I wish I would have had this advice 30 years ago.” – Katherine Gilbert
37. “Great program – very informative, perfectly-paced, and a nice mix of hands-on case study and lecture.” – Joe Beige
38. “Amazing what can be learned in 2 days! I definitely feel more confident in representing clients now.” – Jason Upshaw
39. “No other program I am aware of that better prepares the tax professional to immediately gain the knowledge and confidence needed to enter the tax resolution field” – Warren Banfield
40. “Great energy, professional & fun. Practice cases were a big plus.” – Ron D’Abrosca
41. “Excellent format, and the tag team between instructors is very easy to listen to.” – Timothy Anderson
42. “Opens up a whole new field.” – Diana Bui
43. “Short answer: The best program ever!” – Mikal Abdullah
44. “Program is very informative. I have come multiple time to get updates on what is going on in the industry and keep up to date.” – David Rappaport
45. “Thoroughly enjoyed the program. So happy to have found ASTPS.” – Patricia Rivera
46. “The seminar was highly informative. The speaker kept his audience both interested and engaged.” – Gary Harmon
47. “The speakers were amazing, kept us interested and attentive with their style of teaching, and also all very knowledgeable.” – Randall Guido
48. “Excellent, enjoyed the cases and practical applications.” – Frank Gallo
49. “I enjoyed the program because it was very informative and had real life cases; it was an interactive and detailed session which covered many areas of tax problem issues.” – Saad Sultan
50. “I enjoyed the program and it’s material. I plan to become a member and take the certification exam.” – Tony Lucci
51. “Enjoyable course – two days went by more quickly than I would have liked!” – Angel Silva
52. “I feel like I have found the key to the black box of collection procedures and methods of dealing with them.” – Howard Sang
53. “Great seminar as always! The best part about the boot camp is that it goes back to basics and you always pick up something new that makes the two days well worth the time.” – Jack Beige
54. “Very helpful for closing offers in compromises.” – Yvonne Cornett
55. “Wish this class was longer! I learned a lot and am very pleased.” – Rebecca Macy
56. “Great program – current and on point.” – Wray Abercrombie
57. “I came to this boot camp with the agenda to upgrade my knowledge on tax resolution; this program was excellent and the case studies helped me to grasp the essential understanding of how to fill out forms and to know the law from the IRM. The instructors made sure that we understood the case studies and did not leave us hanging.” – Jeremy Lassiter
58. “Eye-opening & exciting.” – John Curtin
59. “I enjoyed the practice problems. Far better to learn and do some examples than just a bunch of lecture. Great program!” – Ray Nations
60. “Very knowledgeable gentlemen – helpful in giving advice on how to handle many different situations.” – Patricia Phillips
61. “Excellent and very useful.” – Lloyd Mandly
62. “Well worth my time and money in attending a 2nd time to learn more from LG & Larry.” – Jeff Lindon
63. “The program was excellent and presented in a very hands on & real life format. The case studies were realistic and the resolution was defined in a step-by-step format.” – Allen Williams
64. “The boot camp was extremely informative!” – Iris Burnell
65. “Well organized – Expert knowledge – Good examples.” – Israel Vainstein
66. “This was fantastic! I am an NTPI Fellow but finished in 2010. Since then I have picked up a few representation cases and had some questions. This course reconfirmed everything that I have been doing and taught me new strategies and tips! Thank you!” – Tynisa Gaines
67. “Valuable and definitely worth it. I wished there were more cases and less breaks!” – Klever Ortiz
68. “Terrific program – Terrific speakers – Very practical presentation.” – Allen Schuldenfei
69. “The instructors were very knowledgeable and experienced.” – 2019 Attendee
70. “Absolutely one of the best seminars I’ve ever been to (and I’ve been to a lot)! Everything is usable, and the teachers are excellent.” – Keith Lazarus, CPA
71. “After taking the two day boot camp, I feel like I am better able to assist my current clients’ needs as well as confidently expand my business to include tax resolution services.” – Susan Hackman, CPA
72. “The second time around is the charm! Many “a-ha!” moments to reinforce learned concepts. These presenters are great at what they do.” – Ron Friedman, CPA
73. “I really liked the program and the speakers. I got a lot of great ideas and a ton of new information, plus learned about useful tools that I can purchase.” – Tim Bradley, EA
74. “Very good presentation, thank you!” – Brian Daley, CPA
75. “As a tax preparer for 30 years, it was refreshing to learn new knowledge!” – Sandra Cutting
76. “I loved everything.” – Makeeva Darden
77. “Very informative, extremely helpful. I would highly recommend.” – Jarett Sundack, CPA
78. “I found the boot camp to be very informative, and the presenters were extremely knowledgeable and helpful. They truly want us to succeed and were patient to drive the important points home.” – Steven Sundack
79. “Excellent!” – Charles King, CPA
80. “Very practical.” – William Bottiglieri, CPA, ESQ.
81. “I will attend another seminar in the future.” – Nancy Cooper, CPA
82. “Came here to learn how to move from tax preparation to tax resolution – mission accomplished.” – William Richardson
83. “Enjoyed and gained a lot of knowledge.” – Robert Hoenecke, CPA
84. “Immensely entertaining & informative” – Carl Mink CPA
85. “Even though I have been working in the IRS problems resolution area for 20 years, I learned many additional techniques and strategies from this boot camp. This was tremendously hands-on, detailed and beneficial to my CPA practice.” – 2019 Attendee
86. “Very informative, hands on cases and reinforced material.” – Joann Evans, CPA
87. “This program is amazing every time.” – Isaac Mohammed
88. “After attending seminar I have the confidence to start handling tax resolution cases.” – Edward Port, ESQ.
89. “Looking forward to better helping my customers.” – Cliff Benjamin
90. “Great info and Lively.” – Curt Eisemann, CPA
91. “It was Fabulous.” – Denise Mensa-Cohen, EA
92. “Excellent presentation and materials. No one should enter tax representation work without this education.” – Paul Marsh EA
93. “I really enjoyed learning new strategies to deal with the IRS and help my clients.” – Luci Miranda
94. “I enjoyed the program. I feel more comfortable in my ability to take on more resolution cases. I learned a lot that I didn’t know before.” – Harold Blotcher, EA
95. “I really enjoyed the program. I gained a lot of knowledge and insight.” – Michael Vilardi, EA
96. “Very helpful, good emphasis on points. Energetically presented.” – Diane Reumont, CPA
97. “Program was excellent. Larry is a master presenter. LG is also very, very ,very good!” – Linda Bal ESQ
98. “Keep learning more each time I come. Great annual refresher.” – Robert Lewin EA
99. “This Program gives you everything you need to hit the ground running in this business.” – Victor Karas, EA
100. “Great program, wish it was a week long.” – Cheryl Mapes
101. “Larry and LG were great speakers. Highlight of all the seminars that I have attended.” – 2019 Attendee
102. “Great program. Wealth of information from actual cases and experience.” – Ted Fishman, EA, CTRS
103. “Program was well done and instructors are very knowledgeable in this area.” – David Navarro, CPA
104. “Very educational. Gave a great understanding of tools available in dealing with the IRS.” – Elena Hanson, CPA
105. “So Informative and precise. Liked every word they said.” – Lan Golias, CPA
106. “Well Presented, Very Informative.” – Ray Radow, ESQ
107. “Wonderful Seminar! Very beneficial and great knowledgeable experience. Will recommend and very happy with my decision to come to the seminar. Cannot wait to tell my colleagues and coworkers.” – Dara Epstein, EA
108. “I enjoyed the program. Excellent Speakers. They took the time to answer questions. They are very knowledgeable on the topic. They Provided guidance.” – Gustavo Diaz, CPA
109. “The program is very comprehensive and it covers the areas in detail. The case studies were very helpful, they made the various topics taught more useful.” -Samuel Addo
110. “Enjoyed it very much. Instructors were excellent. The information was timely and definitely will help with my current cases.” – Marshall Zieses
111. “Bravo! Standing Ovation!” – Yury Sikarevich
112. “The presentation was extremely informative.” – Richard Prantil, CPA
113. “Excellent content and very well presented.” – Claudine Powell Phillip, CPA
114. “I really enjoyed the 2 days and feel that I have learned a lot. I hope to get involved more and be able to grow my tax resolution business.” – Ernie Vineyard EA
115. “I enjoyed all of the material presented. It was very informative and quite a learning experience.” – Roman Vasquez
116. “Well organized and clearly presented. I took it 2 years ago but this added to and reinforced my knowledge. New stuff was included.” – Eric Hansen, CPA
117. “After taking this class twice, I would certainly take it a third. Each class I have learned something new and valuable to represent clients.” – Isabel Couch
118.“I am new to tax practicing. Thought it may be a good career change to keep me busy when I retire, which will be soon. To me, the class was fascinating and convincing that I have made a good choice.” – Jeff Tappin
119.“Excellent program! Worth every penny. Lots of good knowledge.” – Scott Meeker, CPA
120.“My mindset to this line of work has definitely shifted in 2 ways. I realize that this service is helping taxpayers. I am confident I can add this to my practice.” – Lisa Johnston, CPA
121.“I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was expecting to be overwhelmed by all of the information, but it was presented in a way that made it interesting and easy to understand.” – Telina Crotts
122.“I’m relatively new to the tax resolution area, and am not currently an EA or CPA But I feel that this seminar did a great job of giving an overview of the various options and what services can be provided to our clients.” – Kari Mangum
123.“I truly enjoyed the program and learned a lot from it. The presenters pace, attitude, knowledge, and sense of humor kept me engaged the whole time. I feel very confident that I will be successful in this niche of the business after attending this boot camp.” – Juan Vasquez, EA
124.“I really enjoyed the way it was presented. All the materials and information provided clear a lot of my doubts I had before attending to this boot camp.” – Alina Guaranda
125.“Great presenter who is super knowledgeable. Mr. Lawler offers practice pointers that will make working with IRS 10 times easier.” – Stuart Peterson, ESQ
126.“The program was very informative. Larry knew how to present the information at a level to learn and understand.” – Ann Lazzaro
127.“Enjoyed the topic and feel I have learned some very helpful ways to help clients in the furture.” – Carl Gangarosa
128.“Desperately needed this training program and materials. Very happy to be a new member!” – Joe Reyes, CPA
129.“The Tax Resolution Boot Camp was very engaging and informative. I am walking away from the two day course with the tools and confidence I need to get started solving my clients tax resolution issues. Thank You!” – Michael L. Etzel, CPA, EA
130.“Attend Boot Camp in 2011, Good to come again to get updated info and to pick up practical tips.” – Don Jones, CTRS
131.“Second time threw was very enjoyable. Larry is an A+! He kept the class interested and involved the whole time, My Expectations were exceeded once again! I’ll be back next year!” – Kevin Conyngham, CPA, CTRS
132.“This was a very good program. I got a lot from it, Thanks.” – Clarence Magwood, CPA
133.“Thank you LG! You were very Knowledgeable, Sharp, Articulate, Entertaining and Answered all questions. I intend to come back.” – Karina Alvarez, CPA
134“LOVED! This program was great. I intend to take this again. LG was very high energy and extremely enjoyable. He presented the course material in an approachable manner. I certainly learned a lot.” – Isabel Couch
135.“It was helpful and LG was energetic and very knowledgeable.” – Eduardo Lopez
136.“I am not sure what I expected, but I feel that I have been given a great deal of information that can help move my business forward. I still feel that I have lots to learn. I am looking forward to more effectively helping my clients. Thank you.” – Ida Tuttle, EA
137.“Speaker is amazing. I learned a lot especially as a beginner.” – Monica Jimenez
138.“Presenter was the best I ever met. (LG) Mitch was also very helpful as well.” – Val Matelis, CPA
139.“LG made a complex topic easy to understand. Very valuable Boot Camp.” – David Byck, EA, CTRS
140.“LG was an awesome presenter- So Knowledgeable. Learned very useful techniques.” – Linda Webb, CPA
141.“Very energetic and informative.” – Patricia Koczara, CPA
142.“Awesome presenter and presentation.” – Michelle James
143.“Very informative and educational.” – Charles Howell, CPA
144.“Mr. Brooks was probably the best speaker I have ever listened to. Extremely knowledgeable and he had a unique ability to keep my attention.” – John Catterson, ESQ
145.“Great seminar. I come from more of an audit background and have never been involved in any tax resolution. My company is working on expanding into this field and I was volunteered to come to this boot camp. I am glad I came and look forward to doing some tax resolution work and attending some of your conferences in the future.” – Amy Hagiu, CPA
146. “I am glad that I attended. I learned a lot of things that I was not previously aware of.” – Patti O’Neill, CPA
147. “This will absolutely give me the ability to take my practice to the next level.” – Mike Kamio
148.“I got more than what I wanted to know but needed to know to help my clients. This is not the focus of my practice but it is great knowledge to have and it makes IRS less scary.” – Carolyn Sillin, CPA
149.“I learned more at this boot camp than I have at any other seminar I have attended in the past 10 years. Excellent program and presenters!” – Heath Lane, EA
150.“Presentation was spot on for a good review yet always learn something new.” – Caley Hedman
151.“Nice manual- well put together. Good presenters!” – Sholom Mossman, EA
152.“Very interesting! Great job both instructors.” – Mariela De Leon
153.“I enjoyed the program. I am thankful and very appreciative of this training!” – Channika Daniels, EA
154.“This program takes the guess work out of approaching clients to represent them in resolving their tax problems.” – Keith Towns
155.“Fantastic speakers very knowledgeable. Love this course.” – Edeler Cuadra, EA
156.“Awesome! Loved the major emphasis on taxpayer advocacy. Materials great too.” – Charles Tzinberg, CPA
157.“I enjoyed the case studies. They reinforced the concepts taught. I like all the marketing and sales techniques and ideas presented.” – Robert Yenor, CPA
158.“Thoroughly enjoyable. Material presented by certified experts ‘War Stories’ are invaluable. Love hearing about all the inside ‘secrets’!” – David Cousin, EA
159.“LG Brooks was excellent. Materials and presentation was excellent. Came away with a very good understanding of tax resolution.” – Antonio Alvarez, EA
160.“This is a great program! I Just recently became and EA and I feel like I can jump right into representing my clients with great confidence. LG Brooks is an excellent presenter. The materials are a great resource.” – Antonio Alvarez Jr., EA
161.“I did get more than what I came for. Your knowledge and expertise will prove to be invaluable as I build my practice. Thank you.”- Roxanne Fabrizio
162.“Excellent Program! Feel much more comfortable with the subject matter, and gained valuable insight into techniques to use with our clients. The war stories and case studies were great!” – Anthony Bass
163.“I really enjoyed taking this seminar and learning about other alternatives to helping out my clients.” – Katheryn Crespin
164.“This program went beyond my expectations. The information was presented in a fun and easy way to understand. I am excited to use the valuable information.” – Catherine Bass
165.“Very informative, well presented, and well organized” – Leonard Weiner
166.“It is an excellent seminar. I’ve learned more in two days than 20 years of practice.” – 2019 Attendee
167.“Awesome, great informative sessions for practical use in my business!” – 2019 Attendee
168.”This was my 3rd boot camp and even though I have been practicing in this field for 5 years now, I always learn something new and valuable to my practice.” – Don Jones
169.”First time for me. Speakers were all knowledgeable and passionate about it.” – Cielo Ulpindo
170.”I learned so much. I was so appreciative that the presenters would answer questions and were available before, after and on breaks to answer questions and talk to me about cases I was working on (scenarios).” – Tamara Hamill
171.”With an increasing number of potential clients coming to me for help with tax problems, I needed a course like this! The email and course came at the perfect time. I’m still intimidated by rep & resolution but at least feel like I have some guidance & a decent toolbox to start!” – Lacy Italiano, EA
172.”This course was excellent! I learned a lot even though I’ve been preparing OICS/ IA’s for 3 years. The biggest takeaway was when / how to use the 8821 vs the 2848. I highly recommend this course to anyone doing tax resolution.” – Lynne Sequeira
173.”…This is the best seminar I go to throughout the year: from the speakers knowledge and expertise to the tools provided in practice. I’m going to bring my more experienced staff in the future. I think any serious professional should take this course at least once even if problem solving is of no interest to them. Also it’s a course that can be taken every year, not just for the professional. starting in this niche practice. Speakers aren’t just knowledgeable but entertaining and keep your attention!” – Michael Kamio
174.”I enjoyed this program very much! I’m new to “resolution” practice and my assumed pre-req knowledge was light. However, the “fire-hose” delivery of the info works very well for me. I would recommend this course. I will utilize the ASTPS materials and training in the future.” – 2019 Attendee
175.”It was a fantastic program. All the speakers were well prepared.” – Edeler I. Caudra
176.”All the instructors were amazing! This is worth the money” – Diana M. Valverde
177.”Being this my first time as a participant of this program, I feel really honored for have received all this knowledge and information from you. I deeply consider you to be really good at what you do, and honestly I will consider coming to every other event and boot camp that you prepare.” – Gladis Ersse
178.”I love it. I’m coming back.” – Stephanie Council
179.”Amazing presentations. Speakers very, very informative. I would like to have DVD recording of the boot camp I attended. Would be good to listen again.” – luba Milgram
180.”This was my second visit to boot camp. I definitely picked up on additional items that I did not understand after the first visit. Thank you!” – 2019 Attendee
181.”Very energetic and fast moving. Excellent forms on the real and practical problems.” – Walter H. Bars
182.”Working the case studies together was a plus for me. Thanks for answering my questions! I always learn something new at each seminar.” – Judy Schonfeld
183.”It was good!!” – Willie L. Smith Jr.
184.”The knowledge + information presented are valuable.” – Jonathan Ton, CEP, EA
185.”Very informative. Looking to enter this field of practice and information provided was helpful.” – 2019 Attendee
186.”Thank you, always enjoy material and presentations. Learned new techniques to better represent my clients. 2nd time attendee.” – Ricardo Rodriguez
187.”The presentations demonstrated deep knowledge of the subject, passion for the profession and genuinely love what they do. Their enthusiasm is infectious!” – 2019 Attendee
188.”I learned so much new info. From OIC to Innocent Spouse, all topics were very thorough. They gave both practical and technical knowledge that was very helpful.” – Ben Golden
189.”Very knowledgeable presenters.” – 2019 Attendee
190.”I learned some new things every time I come. It’s very informative and I love hearing examples from real life.” – 2019 Attendee
191.”At first I was overwhelmed because I couldn’t see how I could incorporate it into my current services, but once I went through the case studies I realized that I had been providing these services all along for free. I now have learned ways that I can bring more value to clients and be paid my worth. I really am looking forward to take things one step at a time and being a super hero for clients.” – 2019 Attendee
192.”The program was outstanding! I believe I received everything I was looking for out of the course. The instructors were top notch, knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the material. I feel that I have a better understanding of the proper processes and procedures regarding tax problem resolution. I look forward to gaining more education as I gain more practical experience” – Anthony Johnson
193.”..My first visit but not my last. A good first step in determining if you want to pursue the field.” – Joseph Haggerty
194.”Great having different presenters and hearing how you guys approach the IRS in your unique ways.” – 2019 Attendee
195.”This was my second time taking the book camp. Speakers are always knowledgeable and willing to take time to explain and answer questions. They’ve given me more confidence in landing future clients.” – Tonja Haupl
196.”Excellent presentations and information” – 2019 Attendee
197.”This program should be attended for anyone/everyone who responds to IRS letters. I can’t wait for the next letter because I have direction AND understand how important it is to know the rules + laws both the IRS + your client must live within.” – Karen K. Bottary
198.”This helped me be more clear on what I don’t know and need to know to do my job better. I appreciate the case studies to be able to go through “notes” to see how to apply them realistically.” – Louise Hartford
199.”Excellent. Great meeting Larry and LG in person! Facilities great! Food good. Networking event great.” – 2019 Attendee
200. “I enjoyed the training and will be sending three of my managers to the upcoming boot camp so that they can start handling resolution matters right away.” – Amanda Hillroy
201. “Very informative. Clearly the presenters have public speaking training and are excellent!” – Carlos Peroio
202. “I definitely had fun during the program, but more than that, I learned a lot. Great work! This is one program where I could say I got my money’s worth.” – 2019 Attendee
203. “Excellent presenters, very knowledgeable, made the course very entertaining and kept my attention for the entire 2 days.” – Karen Servery
204. “Fantastic program with great instructors. Looking forward to hopefully attending more!” – David Green
205. “Top notch instruction. Real experts in the field of study!” – Marc Juergens
206. “All 3 speakers were excellent. The material is also excellent.” – Ira L. Zuckerman
207. “I love the program!” – Terrence Hawkins
208. “Great presenters. Engaging and fun!” – Edwin Spoilk
209. “This boot camp was well-organized and presented. The case studies were the best! I learned a lot. I am so impressed with the integrity of the presenters.” – Kim D. Reed
210. “I always try to attend as many ASTPS events as possible. The speakers are the best in the business and always give dynamic presentations. I always leave these events much more confident and knowledgeable and better able to represent troubled taxpayers.” – Peter J. Marchiano Jr.
211. “Program was great! I really enjoyed it and I learned a lot.” – 2019 Attendee
212. “I am new to resolution work and I gained an incredible amount of valuable information that I will need to be successful.” – Shiloh Jorden
213. “ASTPS has narrowed down everything for you in book form to help guide you.” – 2019 Attendee
214. “I’ll be looking for another one! Thank you so much!” – 2019 Attendee
215. “Very informative and the instructors are personable and approachable. Practical rather than dry and abstract.” – Santiago J. Muinos
216. “Good Program!!! Steve Klitzmer and LG Brooks are super great!!” – Timothy A Phillips
217. ”Very knowledgeable speakers!” – 2019 Attendee
218. “Very informative seminar. Speakers are awesome and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I just signed up for an ASTPS membership!” – Zenaida C. Fontanilla, CPA
219. ”Great job! Very informative and great presenters.” – Dinesh Moorjaini
220. “This was a wonderful boot camp. I have gained a lot of useful knowledge and understanding of tax resolution over a short time frame.” – 2019 Attendee
221. “This is a great program for those people considering working in IRS collections. Practical presentation with emphasis on application as opposed to theory. I would recommend this program to anyone interested in collections.” – John Kristianson
222. “Very informative. Presenters are knowledgeable and friendly!” – Florence Ori
223. ”The presenters made the seminar interesting, animated, and knowledgeable.” – 2019 Attendee
224. “I enjoyed it very much. The speakers were knowledgeable, pleasant, and cooperative! Content was excellent.” – 2019 Attendee
225. “I am encouraged to expand my practice in this area.” – Michael A. Essick
226. “I thoroughly enjoyed this program. Great to learn from others’ real-world experience.” – 2019 Attendee
227. “I enjoyed it. It was very informative and helpful. I learned a lot of new information even after working 2+ years in the field.” – Kevin Karpiel
228. “All 3 presenters are very knowledgeable and great speakers.” – 2019 Attendee
229. ”Love LG! Always inspiring! Reinforced my confidence!” – Arlene Ottawcey, EA
230. ”Extremely enjoyable!! Very excited about the earning potential of this new area to my practice. Looking forward to becoming an expert in this field.” – Scott Burgess
231. ”I feel confident and ready to hit the ground to help others resolve IRS matters.” – Awaro Piere
232. “I will take this class again, it was very useful to me.” – 2019 Attendee
233. “EXCELLENT INSIGHTS: I thought the work-session approach was VERY HELPFUL.” – Jerome Ross
234. “Great Job! Very educational! A great start for anyone looking to get into tax resolution services. Instructors made dry topics interesting and exciting!!” – Mike Williams, CPA
235. “The speakers were very knowledgeable and presented the material very well.” – James C. Kirby, ESQ.
236. “I tremendously enjoyed this program. I obtained a lot of knowledge to digest and put into practice.” – Denise Gaither
237. “Great Program! I’ve been to the boot camp three times and every time I come, I learn more and reinforce what I learned previously. I would highly recommend coming more than once. The CPE of 16 credits is the icing on the cake, but not the reason I came.” – William F. Deighan
238. “Larry Lawler and LG Brooks were brilliant instructors. They have instilled in me a confidence that I can undertake tax controversy and add a brand new consistent cash flow to my growing business.” – Spiro Xenophontos
239. “What I loved about the IRS course is that the presenters really care that you understand and be successful. They aren’t just trying to get paid.” – Vorda Henry
240. “Awesome Boot Camp!! You Guys Rock!!!” – Aleksey Kaplar
241. “This program was fantastic! The presenters were knowledgeable and enthusiastic. They answered all questions and left no person behind. Cant wait to apply new knowledge to my cases.” – 2019 Attendee
242. “Every year I attend, I always learn something new that I can use. The seminars have helped me to be better at what I do. The speakers are extremely knowledgeable. I’ll be back next year.” – 2019 Attendee
243. “Excited to have added ASTPS to my “toolbox”. I anticipate receiving even more great value.” – 2019 Attendee
244. “Knowledge of presenters truly inspires me to master this subject matter. The manner of delivery of the material also kept the audience very engaged.” – 2019 Attendee
245. “The class and materials were tremendous. But the speakers were even better. All three guys were very knowledgeable and willing to explain everything.” – Lee Pennington
246. “Great class with real-life examples. Very easy to apply the material to our practices.” – Azvind Galobyg
247. “Really enjoyed the material and the energy it was presented with. This has totally changed my attitude about this niche.” – Pam Schoelles
248. “I attended boot camp in 2016 and thought it was great. I attended again in 2017 and I was even more impressed. I will be attending the Super Conference this October.” – Lenzo Canty, CPA
249. “I have been doing a little tax resolution for several years. When I discovered ASTPS, I signed up for the boot camp. It was one of the best business decisions I have ever made. The course was great and I joined ASTPS as a gold member. Now I have a great support system to increase my tax resolution business. Thanks ASTPS!” – Mark Cross
250. “A great deal of material logically and clearly presented and with a good dash of humor.” – Kevin Miller
251. “AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME! I learned so much. I am confident that I will be able to efficiently and effectively represent tax resolution clients.” – 2019 Attendee
252. “The presenters are very knowledgeable and effective. The humor was much appreciated; I will attend the another seminar when I can” – Dean Zongrone
253. “A fantastic experience. Enjoyable presentations and tons of information that is needed to be effective at tax resolution.” – Nolan L Price, EA
254. “I was surprised how informative the program is and how much knowledge was given out. I feel like I have been working without a tool box and now I have one. I’ll be back.” – Henry A. Hoss, CPA
255. “Presenters were excellent – better than NPTI by a long shot.” – Richard Gibney
256. “I feel much more confident in my ability to be an excellent tax resolution representative for my clients.” – Debra Wilson
257. “The program filled in the missing parts of my knowledge for resolution issues; I am new to these processes so this really gave me some great building blocks to be able to help clients.” – Clarice Brashier
258. “I came in knowing very little, but after two days of intense lecture and A LOT of information, I feel like I could conquer almost anything covered.” – Carson Harris
259. “Very unique and informative, plus excellent presenters.” – Bill Getchell
260. “It was very informative, I would like to attend again next year!” – Tuget Dung
261. “Loved it. First time here and learned a ton!” – Juan S.
262. “I’ve been performing tax problem analysis for several years, and I was happy to learn 3-4 new strategies” – 2019 Attendee
263. “Very informative and detailed very responsive to questions. The instructors were very knowledgeable and handled with ease. I feel ready to begin working with the resolution clients based on the training received.” – Jon Lea
264. “I loved it” – David Hackett
265. “The course is invaluable due to the fact that the instructors are working professionals with the working knowledge of how the process works with real world case studies and experiences. ” – Mark Hamlet
266. “It was very informative and the instructors were knowledgeable & able to answer relevant questions” – Megan Rutadge
267. “I really liked the back and forth in the discussions. I also liked that LG and Larry teach the course together. ” – Nicholas Gilbelt
268. “Thank you very much for your talent, experience, and charisma!” – Natallia Lookhart
269. “LG & Larry were both great and wanted to make sure we understood what they were teaching us.” – 2019 Attendee
270. “The speakers are clearly the best in their fields. The extra tips and advice they give are priceless!” – Anthony Ontko
271. “This helped me to get clarity on how to handle certain issues with the IRS, and I am now more confident and knowledgeable to deal with the IRS.” – 2019 Attendee
272. “I am now a lot more confident to represent my clients and their tax resolution problems. I learned so much from the live seminar that I will come back every year from now on to continue enhancing my knowledge and allow me to better serve my clients.” – Hilbert Moy
273. “This is an awesome program – that’s why I’ve attended 3 times! The speakers are great and I always learn something new year after year.” – Peter Marchiano, Jr.
274. “Very focused and expert presenters – they’re cutting edge!” – Syed Zaman
275. “Obviously this is a very specialized niche. This is an amazing program that more tax practitioners wanting to expand their practice should take. Also, there are not enough reputable businesses that are thoroughly trained in this area! I am very appreciative that you have put this program together!” – Virginia Arlington
276. “Great program! Very informative and a great foundation for anyone looking to obtain knowledge in this area.” – Daniela Romeo
277. “Absolutely wonderful! I had NO idea about all of the different ways I can represent my clients regarding their tax liabilities. I didn’t know anything, but know I feel far more informed to “do my job” for my clients.” – 2019 Attendee
278. “This was a very thorough, informative, and confidence-building seminar!” – Richard Zubler
279. “I enjoyed the class – it was tremendously helpful and I learned a great deal. LG and Larry were very knowledgeable and experienced speakers.” – Michael Morgan
280. “I am pleased that I attended this boot camp, the speakers were awesome!! I am already looking forward to the next one.” – Jacqueline Cottery
281. “LG, Larry, and Steve are wonderful gentlemen and an inspiration to the profession!” – Kim Anderson
282. “Excellent program! Very informative, and I will definitely recommend this course to other colleagues.” – Leonardo Polanco
283. “I am surprised how informative the program is, and how much knowledge was given out in a short time. I feel like I have been working without a tool box and now I have one. I’ll be back!” – Henry A. Ross, CPA
284. “Presenters were excellent – better than NTPI by a long shot!” – Richard Gibney
285. “This was awesome – a lot of very practical information in just 2 days! I struggled between the boot camp and the spring conference and I’m glad I chose the boot camp. I love the willingness of the instructors to help, and I definitely feel more confident in my ability to be an excellent tax resolution rep for my clients!” – Debra Wilson
286. “The program filled in the missing parts of my knowledge for resolution issues. I am new to these processes so this really gave me some great building blocks to be able to better help my clients!” – Clarice Brashier
287. “It was wonderful! I came in knowing very little, but after 2 days of INTENSE lecture and A LOT of information, I now feel like I could conquer just about anything covered!” – Carson Harris
288. “I came here to learn how to move from tax preparation to tax resolution – Mission Accomplished!” – William Richardson
289. “I learned a wealth of knowledge at this boot camp. Each presenter was very knowledgeable on how we can assist taxpayers with their tax problems. More importantly, they’ve helped me to understand the importance of knowing the IRM to effectively help my clients with favorable resolutions, and also protect them from IRS abuse.” – Prince Renaud
290. “This is a really great program. I appreciated being given plans to tackle these key areas with the tools and even applicable code sections. The instructors are passionate and so patient with all of the questions. I felt a sense of community within the organization.” – Judith Berkley
291. “Best speakers I have listened to – knowedgeable, interesting, and kept the audience captivated!” – Lori Miller
292. “The ASTPS boot camp made me a trained solider to defeat my enemy: my clients’ tax problems!” – Justin Walega
293. “ASTPS is a top notch Association. The speakers are very smart and experienced in the subject matter. Great seminars. Looking forward to more in the future. Larry has done an excellent job setting up and running ASTPS.” – Jim Primm
294. “I feel this boot camp was effective in presenting this practice activity in a manner that can be effectively and profitably implemented and managed. The course and software available seem to be comprehensive and allow for effective implementation in the approach.” – Ed Breckel
295. “Loved the presenters, all had great knowledge and experience. LG’s enthusiasm for his work was so evident. I left boot camp feeling confident and equipped.” – 2019 Attendee
296. “Excellent program. I have more thorough knowledge of tax resolution and enhanced my ability to serve my clients at a higher level of expertise.” – George Kresslein
297. “Wow! I’m stunned at the volume of information contained in the course. The instructors are quite knowledgeable and I’m impressed with their accessibilty. They took the time to fully answer questions and explain items until they were fully understood.” – Craig Calaman
298. “Great course, great presenters, great material knowledge. I will definitely be back next year for the Super Conference!” – Chasity Roberts, EA
299. “Presenters were all top notch – intelligent, passionate, current, and able to openly communicate with the class rather than talking at us.” – Tony Forsythe
300. “The boot camp was amazing – a lot of great info. I feel confdent in going back home and doing a little additional studying in order to get off to a great start in tax resolution!” – Donald Flmeing Jr.
301. “Fantastic!! All three presenters were engaging, knowledgeable, and expert teachers. The teaching ability and real world experience are present to a degree not usually seen.” – Burke Smith
302. “It is a one of a kind training program that allows tax practitioners to enter into the tax resolution arena. It is well worth the time money and effort.” – Grapeson Wilson
303. “Excellent program, so glad I invested in myself with the decision to come to my first boot camp! This investment was worth every dime.” – Neala Burnett
304. “Information was great. This improved my confidence in this field greatly.” – Efrain Charles Sr.
305. “I love the boot camp program. It is filled with valuable information and I have learned so much!” – J. Shiloh Jorden
306. “Great seminar. Excellent content. LG is entertaining. I enjoyed both days!” – 2019 Attendee
307. “This program is really helpful to someone like myself who moved from Psych field to Tax Resolution. Since I attended Boot Camp 2017 I was able to increase my caseload by 3-5 cases per month!” – Barry Lewis
308. “I thought the program did a very excellent job in improving my knowledge as to how to prepare Offers in Compromises and Installment Agreements. The instructors were very knowledgeable and presented the course material in a very understandable and comprehensive manner.” – 2019 Attendee
309. “Outstanding! Anyone who does any tax resolution work needs to take this. I’ve been doing tax work for 26 years and still learn stuff at every event you do.” – Brad Hennebert
310. “I have never learned more in 2 days, or received a better value. THANK YOU!!” – Jake Mitrovic
311. “A lot of information, but they show you the tools to help you as you go. I believe it should be required attendance if tax resolution is an area that you want to work in.” – Brett Isaac
312. “Excellent program! I learned so much, and it was well worth the time.” – Karen Wiseman
313. “I was totally blown away – this was the class that brought everything together for me. The tools and information that I obtained here, I could never put a price tag on.” – Rosine M. Charles
314. “Excellent program! I would encourage all CPA’s. EA’s, and tax attorneys to participate in the IRS boot camp. You will not be disappointed!!” – Donna Womack
315. “The program is amazing and the presenters were very knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and easy to understand. I am glad that I signed up for this program. Thank you!” – 2019 Attendee
316. “I enjoyed it very much. I’ve been doing resolution work for 5 years and I still learned a huge amount. The presenters had a wealth of knowledge, and I will be returning because of them.” – Luke Robinson
317. “Joining this organization would be beneficial to my practice. I learned a lot – this is an excellent program.” – Grace Bates
318. “I found this course to be one of the best that I have attended. The cost is well worth it. Thanks to the material provided, I will be able not only to review in depth, but I will also be able to use the materials as a good reference for preparations.” – Debbie Childers
319. “Great training!! Great speakers!! Thank you so much. I will repeat attendance for this and any other events you put out.” – 2019 Attendee
320. “I’m excited about completing my certificate and starting my business.” – Susie Feige-Hider
321. “The boot camp was an enjoyable experience. My confidence in the field of tax resolution has grown with each day of boot camp. I would attend any relevant events in the future, as this experience has grown my confidence in the organization.” – Jessica Garner, EA
322. “You can feel the passion of the speakers. I did not realize tax prep and representation could be separate business. Excited to know there are other people, who really care and are not afraid to stand up for and fight for clients.” – Nancy Somes
323. “This program is great! Excited to get back home and get started.” – Amy Medina
324. “Loved and enjoyed the whole program especially the energy and knowledge from all the instructors.” – Seema Nayyar
325. “I learned more relevant information that I can put into action from this boot camp than I did in my entire MST.” – Brittnie Eiden
326. “This is a great opportunity to meet all presenters in person and ask questions and to network with other professionals in the field. I think this is great! Thank you for all the work and effort you guys put in for this boot camp.” – Joy Ahn
327. “I learned a ton of information and even saw things that we could have done better for our clients. The presenters are incredibly knowledgeable and present the information in a fun and lively manner to keep the audience engaged with interactions and learning.” – Neal Smith
328. “Love the ASTPS programs! The instructors are very knowledgeable and generous with their time. I always leave feeling more knowledgeable than when I came.” – Peter Marchiano, Jr.
329. “As a brand new person, never being exposed to tax resolution, I thought this boot camp was great! It was full of information and I know I have a lot more to learn.” – 2019 Attendee
330. “During this seminar, I received knowledge that equips me to better represent my current and future clients. I also purchased tools that will help me. So excited to get started.” – 2019 Attendee
331. “I love the energy and wealth of knowledge of the instructors. I learned a lot.” – 2019 Attendee
332. “JG Brooks is a powerful force. Larry and Steve are knowledgeable titans as well. All three are great and funny.” – 2019 Attendee
333. “ASTPS provides the necessary fundamentals to be comfortable with tax problem resolution.” – 2019 Attendee
334. “I really enjoyed the program and speakers. I learned a tremendous amount and will be back for future sessions.” – 2019 Attendee
335. “Fantastic program. Love the hands-on learning method. Looking forward to the academy. All instructors are fantastic educators!” – 2019 Attendee
336. “Great association to gain more knowledge on tax resolutions.” – 2019 Attendee
337. “Great program!!!” – 2019 Attendee
338. “I believe it has helped me to decide to go to the tax resolution business.” – 2019 Attendee
339. “Every time I attend an ASTPS event I come back with new information and fresh perspectives to further assist my clients.” – Teresa Johnson
340. “Great program. Well worth the money. Thanks!” – Todd W.
341. “Great program. Learned new material.” – 2019 Attendee
342. “I felt that the case studies and real-life cases from LG & Larry helped connect all of the material that was taught.” – Melissa Toney
343. “A goldmine of knowledge. Thank you.” – Jonathan McFadden
344. “Great presentations. ASTPS has provided me the added skills to continue towards my goal.” – Guadlupe J. Mauricio
345. “I learned a lot of information and I feel more confident in tax problem resolution. I would attend again, and I highly recommend it!” – 2019 Attendee
346. “Very informative! This applies to several cases I have worked in the past and present and made me aware of mistakes I’ve made as well as corrections I’ll make going forwards.” – Peter T. Vinovich
347. “The program was very informative and interesting. I would definitely take other courses offered. LG is an excellent presenter of the information provided and was great at keeping the audience engaged.” – 2019 Attendee
348. “After 2 whirlwind days I’m leaving with an invaluable set of tools to better service clients and continue to build the practice. Thank you all!!” – 2019 Attendee
349. “This program is the best I have attended. The instructors were very interesting and knowledgeable. They are always ready to answer my questions.” – Godwin Ekine
350. “I learned more in 2 days than I ever thought possible but beyond that, met tax pros from all across the country & found confidence to move forward knowing there’s a group I can look to for guidance, share ideas & find new ways to build the reputation of representation.” – Elizabeth Tillotson
351. “This is a great program. I thoroughly enjoyed the information that I learned, and I look forward to applying it at work.” – Elijah S. Johnson
352. “Love the program. Great Teachers. Great Organization.” – Mike Friedman
353. “Very thorough. Instructors very knowledgeable and patient. They kept us engaged throughout.” – Payosha Gause
354. “Excellent 2 days. My 3rd time and I would attend again. Great presenters, terrific information.” – Abby Eisenkraft
355. “This was both an engaging refresher and introduction to tax resolution.” – Marc Standig, EA
356. “Enjoyed the program very much. Speakers were great, entertaining and knowledgeable.” – David Stein
357. “Boot camp has given me the knowledge, tools, and confidence to responsibly represent my clients” – Mike Hovell
358. “This is my second time attending. The instructors are knowledgeable and very helpful in the real-life advice they give. I would recommend anyone new to this area of practice.” – Hanny Badran
359. “Great program. Speakers seem to truly care about participants” – Nick Renzulli
360. “Excellent presenters—knowledgeable and personable. Great two days, picked up some new tips.” -2018 Attendee
361. “Great boot camp as usual! 4th time! Always learn something new and of course the reinforcement of the rules etc. The usual speakers Larry and LG were great as usual and Steven was a great addition this year. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge in the tax controversy area.” – William F. Deighan, CPA, EA
362. “ASTPS’ instruction was time well spent. Materials were well presented and easy to follow. Instructors were well-engaged and energetic. It was one of the best trainings I have received in my almost 20 years as a CPA.” – Joffrey Chrin, CPA
363. “Learned a lot in a short period of time. I feel more confident to do more in this area.” – 2019 Attendee
364. “I love this boot camp. It is very informative and covers a wide variety of topics.” – 2019 Attendee
365. “Amazing info—clear and concise!” – 2019 Attendee
366. “Awesome speakers—love their true stories. Unbelievable knowledge and expertise in the instructors.” – 2019 Attendee
367. “This was the best conference I have attended in years. All of the presenters were very knowledgeable and most importantly engaged with the participants.” – Christopher D’Allaind
368. “I enjoyed the program and the practical knowledge of the subject. The speakers were all very good and made the whole experience fun!” – Hilbert Moy
369. “It was just as engaging the second time as it was the first time. It’s like watching a movie for the second time—you pick up on finer details you didn’t grasp the first time.” – Ken Mam
370. “This, by far, was the best training I have been in EVER. I am walking away with much more knowledge and confidence in what I can provide clients.” – Melissa Parker
371. “One of the most valuable courses I’ve taken, ever. I highly recommend anyone wanting to learn any of this area, take this course with ASTPS.” – Greg hottorff Jr.
372. “Extremely informative as always. Just the right speed and a great building block. Even more competent and confident now! Thank you all!” – Marc Juergens
373. “Thank you for such a wonderful program. Each time I come my understanding and confidence grows. Looking forward to future webinars and programs!” – Gina Mann
374. “Great group of leaders, teamwork, transparency, and passion.” – Nancy Somes
375. “As a new EA that has dedicated my studies to Representation the last 1.5 years, this program is AMAZING! The academy is the best, keep up the goof work I have no doubt that the academy will be the premier education in representation training!” – Lisa Daughtry
376. “The academy was great. I’m very happy I came and look forward to implementing everything I’ve learned. Thank you!” – 2019 Attendee
377. “Well done, leaves me wanting even more!” – 2019 Attendee
378. “Learned a lot in a short period of time. I feel more confident to do more in this area.” – 2019 Attendee
379. “I love this boot camp. It is very informative and covers a wide variety of topics.” – 2019 Attendee
380. “Amazing info—clear and concise!” – 2019 Attendee
381. “Awesome speakers—love their true stories. Unbelievable knowledge and expertise in the instructors.” – 2019 Attendee
382. “This was the best conference I have attended in years. All of the presenters were very knowledgeable and most importantly engaged with the participants.” – Christopher D’Allaind
383. “I enjoyed the program and the practical knowledge of the subject. The speakers were all very good and made the whole experience fun!” – Hilbert Moy
384. “It was just as engaging the second time as it was the first time. It’s like watching a movie for the second time—you pick up on finer details you didn’t grasp the first time.” – Ken Mam
385. “This, by far, was the best training I have been in EVER. I am walking away with much more knowledge and confidence in what I can provide clients.” – Melissa Parker
386. “One of the most valuable courses I’ve taken, ever. I highly recommend anyone wanting to learn any of this area, take this course with ASTPS.” – Greg hottorff Jr.
387. “Excellent, interesting academy! Thank you for taking questions.” – 2019 Attendee
388. “The program is really good as I got a good hold of so many forms and how to represent my clients in cases.” – 2019 Attendee
389. “Excellent speakers who really care about my success. Took the course before but still learned so much. Great reinforcement and motivating. Their support is so helpful when you are new at this!” – Julie Meyers
390. “This program should be required for professionals operating in the tax problem resolution area.” – Mark Riddle
391. “The boot camp was amazing. It allowed me to realize my worth and value we have as tax professionals. I’m empowered and confident that I can accurately represent my client.” – 2019 Attendee
392. “Excellent training. Enjoyed listening to the personal experience in tax resolution of speakers.” – 2019 Attendee
393. “It has been a great experience to learn directly from the masters in tax representation.” Rosario Ramirez
394. “I’ve been doing this for 6 years, so I already had a good foundation and I LEARNED A TON! LG, Steve, and Larry were very thorough and answered as many questions as they could. Excellent seminar.” – Danielle Dryden
395. “It’s true—second time attending is very beneficial. Great info.” – 2019 Attendee
396. “Great program! Been to the ASTSP for the third time! Every time I come, I either learn more or reinforce what I’ve learned previously. Highly recommend coming more than once.” – William F. Deighan, CPA, EA
397. “Awesome boot camp you guys rock!!” – 2017 Attendee
398. “What I loved about this course is that the presenters really care that you understand and want you to be successful.” – 2017 Attendee
399. “Fantastic experience. Enjoyable presentation and tons of information that is needed for effective tax resolutions.” – Nolan L. Price, EA
400. “A great deal of material logically and clearly presented and with a good dash of humor.” – Kevin Miller
401. “The seminar was by far one of the best learning tools I have ever had the opportunity to attend. The material handouts were excellent, and the presenters were extremely knowledgeable.” – 2019 Attendee
402. “Fabulous! Larry, LG, & Steve were great. The info was really helpful. I will definitely be back!” – Eliisa Turner
403. “I learned so much during this program. All of the speakers were dynamic & engaging. They were also very helpful with answering questions. I highly recommend this boot camp for all those new to this industry.” – Teresa Wittmer
404. “All of the teachers were great! I will definitely come again.” – 2019 Attendee
405. “I love these boot camps. This is my third boot camp and I still learn something new!” – Antonio Alvarez Jr.
406. “Very knowledgeable program! Recommend this boot camp to everyone!” – 2019 Attendee
407. “One of the best training programs that I have attended. Leaving more confident in performing resolution work.” – 2019 Attendee
408. “Speakers apply real life practical examples and present materials in an understandable manner.” – 2019 Attendee
409. “Very refreshing to get practical education by going through cases start to finish.” – 2019 Attendee
410. “Powerful course, jammed full of actionable information.” – Armand D’Alo
411. “I appreciated the sharing of actual personal experiences to understand the process. We were armed with the necessary tools and knowledge to confidently resolve cases.” – Kassandra Mar
412. “Great information, great instructors. Very well presentation of materials.” – 2019 Attendee
413. “Great program. Outstanding instructors – knowledgeable and entertaining!” – 2019 Attendee
414. “Great information – great class. Lots of great practice tools.” – LaNell Sterling
415. “The ASTPS program was essential to gaining the knowledge required to begin engaging clients. The presenters were knowledgeable, engaging and made the course fun.” – Michael Wallick
416. “I benefited a lot from this boot camp. Looking forward to the next advance classes! All the teachers were amazing. Very knowledgeable.” – Shivanand Kalipersadsingh
417. “I have obtained a lot of good information and I am now more knowledgeable of the law and options available to help my clients. A lot of information, but effectively covered over 2.5 days. My confidence level has increased as a result of the boot camp.” – Latonia R. Raines
418. “Very informative, I learned a lot. I feel better equipped to handle these cases now and I’m looking forward to attending an ASTPS academy to further my learning.” – Sheryl Cramer
419. “This program will not only give you a great foundation, but it is so packed full of practical tips, knowledge & experience that you can return and learn more each time you attend. The presenters all WANT to ensure your understanding and will take additional time for specific questions on cases around the training. It’s phenomenal.” – 2019 Attendee
420. “Enjoyed the event very much! The facilities and presentations were great. The presenters were easy to follow and made a potentially boring subject entertaining!” – Greg Jackson
421. “Every boot camp I attend helps me in putting the resolution puzzle together to better assist my clients. ASTPS is committed to not leaving any resolution specialist behind.” – Harrison Ulloa
422. “Great course, tremendous amount of information and material. I now have the tools to get started in the resolution field.” – Pascual Garcia
423. “I love this program. It allows us to get answers to our most complicated issues with IRS behaviors.” – Barry Lewis
424. “Overall, great presenters! Learned a lot, LG did a great job of next steps if a client emergency comes up.”
425. “Great program-a lot of information condensed into 2.5 days-worth every dollar!” – 2019 Attendee
426. “Excellent information and presentations. Very knowledgeable and personable.” – Emelie Granier
427. “Loved the way the material was presented! It wasn’t information just thrown at you, but a walk through on how to do it. I definitely recommend this to anyone. Thanks so much for the experience!” – Zahira Diaz
428. “Great boot camp! Course has provided the basics to know when dealing with tax resolution issues.” – Timothy C. Carr
429. “A real detailed “how to” experience.” – Harris W. Arthur
430. “Second time attending. I had so many questions and the presenters answered all of them. They were patient and thorough. Already made a deposit to attend the academy in 2020.” – Tamara Labombard
431. “Great class. Having case studies was a huge help.” – 2019 Attendee
432. “Outstanding job at presentation and materials. Great overview! The different personalities of the presenters kept it interesting.” – 2019 Attendee
433. “Learned a lot. Enjoyed all of the speakers. Top notch group of presenters who kept us engaged.”
434. “Excellent for anyone in or entering the tax resolution business.” – 2019 Attendee
435. “Very knowledgeable & informed. Especially enjoyed LG. Obtained information to assist our firm’s 3600+ clients.” – 2019 Attendee
436. “This was the most effective training that I’ve ever attended.” – 2019 Attendee
437. “The course is definitely worth the time. In fact, I may attend it again.” — Thomas U.
438. “As a graduate of Tax resolution programs I am blown away and so grateful for the extensive and well put together knowledge that is gained from investing in this course. The speakers are very knowledgeable, present very well, which makes this 2-3 day Boot Camp a real pleasure to attend.” — Cynthia G.
439. “I’ve been doing tax resolution for a year now and was trained by someone doing it for a decade and I still learned new things that I can use to benefit my practice and the attorney who trained me.” — Carrie N.
440. “I can not imagine proceeding with Tax Resolution without taking this course! I have handled a few cases in the past and thought maybe I knew a few things. After attending the Boot Camp, I did not realize how much I did not know! By the end of the Boot Camp, as LG puts it, I have added some tools to my Tool Box !
ASTPS Webinar Presenters used some terms that really impressed me. (1:Full Disclosure (2:) Being Upfront with your clients if you can help them or not, and (Most Important) 3; We here for you, so call us if you need help!
Thanks For a Great Webinar!!!!” — Christopher C.
441. “The ASTPS Staff did an amazing job in delivering quality content in this new virtual world. While we all would like to be “face to face”, I did feel connected with the presenters throughout.
This is a great tool and resource guide for anyone starting their representation career. Larry and Steve were great, and LG always makes it a show Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and love of the profession.” — David B.
442. “I’ve been doing tax resolution for a while now and wasn’t sure what, if anything, I’d learn in this boot camp, but it was very well put together by some guys who really know their stuff and I learned more than I imagined I would. I’ll definitely be doing the Advanced Academy next month, well worth the time and money. ” – Joe G.
443. “Great refresher and even picked up some new knowledge too. Looking forward to the Academy as well!” — Adawn E.
444. “Team ASTPS! First, thank you for an outstanding learning experience. Admittedly, I may not be the brightest bulb in the ceiling and feel compelled to re-visit this event in the future so as to integrate this new knowledge with 40-plus years of tax preparation experience. Yes, you guys really are trying to teach an old dog new tricks!” Jim G.
445. “This is an amazing course to learn about representation. I actually preferred it in virtual form. plus it saves a lot of time and money not having to travel and pay for a hotel.” Sharla R.
446. “I strongly recommend the ASTPS Boot Camp! You will receive hands on experience from the case studies. I’ve learned so much from this boot camp that I’m already applying it to a real case.
I want to become a nerd like LG Brooks!” — Lily T.
447. “There was a lot of material that was covered in this course. Some was basic but to do the job I strongly recommend taking the course. I was able to get a better understanding on how to assist clients through their tax issues. Looking forward to taking other boot camps.” –Valerie W.
448. “Excellent! Totally worth the $$ and the time. I plan to attend again to reinforce and refresh as well as do the Academy (maybe not until next year). I truly appreciate all the help I received. Thank you all.” — Barbara C.
449. “Huge hats off to the presenters Larry Lawler, LG Brooks, and Steve Klitzner for really providing incredible value and wealth of knowledge! I’ve been in practice for little more than a decade and I still feel I am learning so much, yet this Bootcamp really does accelerate my development process in my career. What I really enjoyed about the Bootcamp is the time the instructors took in answering my questions, even if it was a rookie kind of question. The level of knowledge and insight just thoroughly was mind blowing!” Munni K.
450. “”Attending” the virtual seminar hosted by ASTPS made for a less stressful learning experience amid the Covid-19 reality. Gave me the opportunity to continue my learning with expert assistance. Justified expense and use of time! Thank you!” Martha F.
451. “I came into this boot camp with zero knowledge, and I feel after the 3 days that it is something worth looking into and taking a crack at tax problem resolution. It looks really interesting to get into. Thank you for the boot camp.” — David L.
452. “The presenters made this event interesting with their passion for tax resolution, and I learned new information and detailed tips.” — Naomi T.
453. “Boot Camp was a great conference! I understand the benefit of a face to face conference, however, the virtual format was great for me. Thank you for all of your hard work! I appreciate the resources of ASTPS.” — Christina R.
454. “I feel like the presentation was well put together and I look forward in learning more from ASTPS.” –LaShaun S.
455. “Great job. Good presentation and good manual. Lots and lots of forms. Please keep the online format in the future.” — Randall B.
456. “Loved it, great information and virtual format worked much better than I thought it was going to. Still miss the in person event though!” -Neala B.
457. “You all did an excellent job. I really enjoyed the the instructors knowledge and stories. This was a great way to understand Tax Resolution and all the possible methods, I can use for my clients.” Annamaria L.
458. “This boot camp helped take tax resolution out of the pages of a book into real life. I can read about forms and processes, but hearing from experts that have actual cases to discuss and real life advice makes the topic less intimidating.” –Kerry D.
459. “I felt that I would be totally lost by the event being virtual, but I have to say the event was more than expected. It went into great detail and I have walked away more confident with starting in Tax Resolution!” — Pamela F.
460. “This was not a boot camp. This was a master class. I have been to several so called boot camps on this subject. This was by far the best and most comprehensive.” — Ravi C.
461. “Excellent job by everyone. Great job with the case studies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” — Jim C.
462. ” Larry, Is super Awesome. He kept me engaged the whole Time. Keep it going L.G, Thank you for giving me the knowledge to do better at what I do.” — Monkela D.
463. “The seminar was very informative about the OIC process and the case studies were very helpful.” — John W.
464. “Good material presented by experienced practitioners. Recommend.” — Michael S.
465. “This boot camp is the best way to get introduced to the unknown world of Tax Resolution. While there’s still more work to be done on your own, this definitely builds the foundation for a tax resolution business. Highly recommend!” –BJ L.
466. “It was great to be able to take this boot camp virtually as I would not have been able to travel for it! Instructors and team did a great job and I got so much out of it! Can’t wait to learn even more!” — Kara C.
467. “This is a great course. I strongly recommend it.” — Simplice E.
468.”This training was excellent. It was very well organized and covered real life and current topics. Within the first day I was able to apply the course material to a current case issue. This course definitely provides a positive return on investment!!!” — Chris F.
469. “This was excellent. I have a few years experience but I feel so much more able to help clients now. Thank you for the detail and question answering.” — Thomas C.
470. “Great course – I knew very little about tax problem resolution. I would recommend anyone who wants to dive into this field to sign up. ” — Farva J.
471. “This course was awesome, especially since I didn’t have to leave home. The speakers were very good at explaining policies and procedures in a down-to-earth manner. They covered a lot of material in 2 and one-half days, but the workbook they put together for the attendees is going to be a very valuable resource going forward for my firm.” — Ken M.
472. “This course works for someone who is new to Tax Resolution or someone who has 10-years experience with it. The knowledge that exists among all the presenters is superior and provided with a lot of real life examples that you could easily relate to your work.” — Timothy B.
473. “The Virtual Boot Camp is a great 2.5 day program that covers the spectrum of tax resolution options from soup to nuts, including providing detailed case studies of the situations that can very well crop up from (prospective) clients. The materials are also a great easy reference guide to use while working on tax resolution to make sure that all considerations have been made prior to executing a plan of attack on handling IRS and state tax matters. I would strongly encourage anyone who is interested in learning tax resolution to take the Boot Camp.” — Tomer C.
474. “I have spent years “eyeing” the ASTPS Boot Camp but never having the opportunity/time to attend one of the live courses but as soon as I found out that they were offering the event virtually I jumped on it and sign-up. I was impressed not only by the expert knowledge of the instructors (which were taught by EAs, a CPA and an attorney) but by how considerate they were to the attendants, they did their best to answer EVERY question. I have worked in the tax resolution industry in support roles so I came into the event having very basic knowledge but after the boot camp I feel as though I can represent a case on my own. I will seriously consider attending another event in the future. ” — Lalnunmawii C.
475. “I loved this boot camp. I learned so much that I have a lot more confidence in building up my tax resolution practice. ASTPS did a great job with it as their first virtual Boot Camp, though now I am even more excited to attend one in person to further enhance my skills!! Thank you ASTPS” –Maurie W.
476. “This is the single best comprehensive tax resolution course on the planet. You will go from square one to ready to represent by the end of the Boot Camp.” — Matthew J.
477. “The Virtual Boot Camp was very informative & convenient. The speakers were awesome. I believe I am able to comfortably move forth with growing my tax resolution business based on the knowledge learned.” –Kimberly S.
478. “This course answered small questions that I’ve had for years and it gave me new ideas to help the client. I’m definitely happy that I took this bootcamp. A must if you are thinking about tax controversy. Great Job!” — Valorie W.
479. “Great Boot Camp, my first learn a lot, I have been a member for 2 years currently not started during any resolution work, but after this boot camp I will be. And I will be taking another boot camp In the future and I will do one in person after Covid-19. All of you did great for your first virtual Boot Camp. Thanks.” — Floyd C.
480. “Awesome 2.5 days! The energy, effort and knowledge was top notch! This virtual platform with the ability to see the presenters was great…the only thing missing was in the in person ability to see everyone in a group sitting.
Absolutely loved the way the presenters could still interject with sharing information on topics.
Would love to take the Advanced Boot Camp in the same format.” — Krystal A.
481. “The virtual Boot Camp was great. It is something anyone interested in offering resolution services should attend.” — Brian B.
482. “The training was excellent. The speakers were all very relaxed, informative, interesting, and entertaining. I really enjoyed it. It was sooo easy to access and watch.” — Melanie C.
483. “I liked it MUCH better virtual. I have cancer and would not have been able to attend a live session, regardless of COVID.” — Sarah T.
484. “This was my first event with ASTPS and it was and incredible learning experience! I can’t imagine what the live events are like!” Dejorian M.
485. “This live event was one of the best I have attended throughout my 40 year career. The information was great and spot on. The questions were fielded quickly and answered with great care. It was a lot of information in a short period of time but great overall. I strongly urge anyone wanting to learn tax resolution to attend this event and the many others this organizations offers.” — Chris M.
486. “This is the most comprehensive tax resolution class I have ever taken. The opportunity to do so many case studies and see how varied family groupings affect “Offers” is invaluable. The “practice tips” from the instructors were great. Having the book as a reference source is a great value.” — Michael O.
487. “The ASTPS Virtual Boot Camp was outstanding! I had wanted to attend for the past few years but the cost of travel and the time off to attend was prohibitive. The ASTPS Virtual Boot Camp allowed me to attend from my home office. The effectiveness of the presentations were outstanding and helped me to obtain the review and information to launch my own tax problem solution business. I am looking forward to future ASTPS virtual seminars.” — Richard M.
488. “I’ve been doing this work for a number of years but never went to a bootcamp. I am glad that I did. Some stuff was information I learned in prior ASTPS webinars but there was still many “A-ha!”‘s I can use to help my clients.
So new to tax resolution or experienced practitioner can get something from the bootcamp.” –James W.
489. “Excellent seminar covering many Representation areas in details. Education that was very useful for day to day representation issues and a great resource for referencing issues in the future.” — Natalie S.
490. “This was the absolute best course that I have taken regarding tax resolution. The speakers were very engaging and were able to keep a person’s attention even virtually!” — Angela C.
491. “I think the virtual course is a great way for more people to take advantage of this course. Maybe someone can afford the course, but cannot really travel to take it. In that case, this is a great alternative. I loved being at home instead of an uncomfortable seat in a probably very cold room.” — Robin W.
492. “I felt this virtual bootcamp felt more like a personal live session than others I have attended.” – Gary L.
493. “Great material and presenters! Will definitely take further courses with ASTPS.” – Natalya G.
494. “The course afforded the learners credible and knowledgeable presenters who took them from a near zero percent of knowledge to confidence and now ready practitioners. The course information was shared at a pace allowing thought and applicability; a lot of material was conveyed and learnt.
The course was well received and functional. Lessons felt as though the whole team, learners and presenters, had known each other over a number of years.”
-Lucy L.
495. “I have been a Tax Professional for more than 50 years and this was the Very Best Boot Camp I have ever attended. The three presenters, Larry, Steve and LG all have different presentation skills but compliment each other extremely well. It seems like the four days passed very quickly! Thank you again for a Boot Camp well done!! You are simply the very best and I am proud to hold the CTRS Designation!!” – Dale M.
496. “I really did not expect a virtual learning environment to work out this well! I was VERY pleasantly surprised that it felt a lot like being in person.
Especially with LG calling on imaginary people in the audience.
This clearly took a lot of behind the scenes efforts by many people and I really appreciate it!! I look forward to seeing you guys in person one day!
Thank you ALL very much!!” – Jeannette B.
497. “I never knew what tax resolution meant. This boot camp is detailed forms and regulations to negotiate with the IRS. I thought that the IRS was always right in their calculations. I learned that is not true. I also learned that there is something, per knowing the tax resolution material that can be done for the tax payer. I especially learned how deceiving those constant TV ads are about settle your IRS debt for pennies on the dollar.” – Cynthia M.
498. “This presentation was at a good pace and kept my attention much better than the previous webinars that I have attended. I have completed NTPI Level 1 and this boot camp with the live speakers and interactive platform was much more entertaining which resulted, for me, in more knowledge retention.” – Gilbert S.
499. “Great event for beginners and advanced practitioners. As an advanced practitioner it was a great review and reminders of when and how to use certain areas of the IRM. Great Job.” Felecia D.
500. “This event was a goldmine of information presented by lively and passionate speakers who care about the material and participants. As someone with tax compliance experience, it was easy to step into the world of resolution with the help of the whole team at ASTPS.” – Jessica L.
501. “Excellent course taught by professionals who do this every day. Well worth the money! ” -Michael M.
502. “Thank you to the entire staff at ASTPS. This boot camp was outstanding!!! Well worth the money. Each presenter was professional, knowledgeable, and kept my interest the entire time. I would encourage anyone contemplating this course to sign up–absolutely the best.” – Alanna K.
503. “Boot camp was wonderful! I feel much more confidant in taking my first representation case after this boot camp. The case studies were very helpful in applying the principles we learned.” – Lisa M.
504. “Fast-paced presentation from the best in the business. Very glad it was put on virtually. ” – Alice W.
505. “This Bootcamp is excellent. Lots to retain but excited to get started. Very knowledgeable presenters. Thank you.” Patricia Y.
506. “The boot camp was very helpful and a great learning opportunity. I thought I knew quite a bit about representation and tax problems, I was wrong. After 20 pages of notes, I feel I have a much better understanding of solving tax problems.” – Stacey B.
507. “Wow, I’ve been an NTPI fellow for many years and had the theory, but this “how-to” was very informative and well worth the time. Thank you.” _ Michael L.
508. “Boot Camp was great both in increasing knowledge base and mixing it with actual situations and cases.” – Reginald B.
509. ” There is so much material in this course that is invaluable to any CPA or EA looking to build a new revenue stream in tax resolution services. The presenters are incredibly knowledgeable and the resources at ASTPS are one of a kind. I will sign up for this course again in the future just to stay current on the topics covered.” – Jose V.
510. “Very Good virtual seminar!!! Expertly run and enjoyable at the same time.” – Lynn B.
511. “I am a newby to ASTPS. I wish I found you guys last year when I was doing my first 2 cases. I have more confidence now that I can continue to take on this type of work!” – Tina P.
512. “This was such a fun and valuable learning experience for me! Thank you all so much. It’s such a pleasure to hear from each of you, and I really appreciate the time you put into this.” – Christopher B.
513. “Loved the virtual webinar…hope you will continue to do at least 1 – 2 per year virtually..” – Leslie M.
514. “Great program! I will be taking this again as there was so much information presented that I feel I need to do it again to retain more information that I missed.” – Dennis L.
515. “It seems impossible to quantify the knowledge and passion the presenters all have. Also, they each have their own remarkable styles to engage the learner even in a virtual environment. My highest regard to Larry, L.G. and Steve, Mitch and Angie and all the staff that contribute to the successful boot camp production! Kudos to all!” Robin. C
516. “This is tremendous and extremely helpful. Resolution is a very different practice from tax prep. It overlaps as we get many notices that could be impacted. People in normal practice just don’t understand this stuff. ” – Tony R.
517. “One of the best tax courses I have ever taken. Real world applications GALORE. No nonsense, how to deal with the IRS examples. I have been in practice 20 years. I am an EA. That review states a lot because I have been to so many courses. Much appreciated.” – Todd U.
518. “This is the second time I have taken the course and I don’t regret it at all! I have understood and retained so much more this time. I would recommend that if you are brand new when taking the class the first time, consider taking it a second time. It’s worth it!!” – Debbie C.
519. “When i was chosen as a Mastermind for my area and registered for Boot Camp, I had no idea what was in store for me. This experience exceeded my expectations and put an end to any doubts I had about being successful in the area of Tax Resolution. Thanks to everyone at ASTPS for being there and for all you do!” – Jane W.
520. “This bootcamp has been perfect. I feel so much ready to represent my clients before the IRS.” – Jeff U.
521. ” I purchased the “mini-” boot camp called the “Rescue Squad: Troubled Taxpayers,” course a year ago. It was an awesome resource to get my Tax Resolution business started. The live boot camp gave me a great bit more to sink my teeth into and highlighted mistakes I made by systematically helping me decide what to offer my clients and when specifically to meet each clients “individual needs.” Thanks to all. ” – Allen L.
522. “The course is definitely worth the time. In fact, I may attend it again.” – Thomas U.
523. “I’ve been doing tax resolution for a year now and was trained by someone doing it for a decade and I still learned new things that I can use to benefit my practice and the attorney who trained me. ” Carrie N.
524. “The ASTPS Staff did an amazing job in delivering quality content in this new virtual world. While we all would like to be “face to face”, I did feel connected with the presenters throughout.
This is a great tool and resource guide for anyone starting their representation career. Larry and Steve were great, and LG always makes the it a show Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and love of the profession.” – David B.
525. “I feel 1000% better now about resolution than I did before.” – Hopeton S.
526. “Best seminar, I’ve been too by far. Practical material and real actionable information, as well as client interaction and IRS interaction guidance.” – Tim K.
527. “Energy Level of conference kept me focused with enthusiasm. The information provided gave me a level of confidence that I can go out and perform. Thank you!” – Ricardo R.
528. “The hybrid virtual and class room was put together very well. ” Mark M.
529. “Definitely worth every penny! The speakers were great. They know their stuff and I still felt as part of the class even though I am stuck out here in California. Thank you for making it happen.” Christine R.
531. “Due to Covid rules, I was unable to take this course in-person. I’m so glad that it was offered virtually! I didn’t feel like I was missing out on any information by not being there in person. The speakers are very well informed and up-to-date (during Covid information as well as post-Covid information) on what IRS is doing. The manual is packed with information. Best of all, I now feel capable of doing right by my Representation clients!” Nickelle H.
532. “The Boot Camp was exceptional!!! great content and the manual is a great reference tool. LG is an awesome presenter. Larry and Steve are knowledgeable. The 3 day Boot Camp is a great way to build a skill set to deal with tax resolution and high level tax problems to help clients who will pay for the knowledge and skills we have!” ValJoseph Z.
533. “As usual Larry, LG, Steven, Mitch have outdone themselves and the program was beyond my expectations considering doing it virtually except for getting up at 4 AM on west coast for East coast feed time. As usual have walked away with nuggets and was a good refresher. Highly recommend the program to all who want enter the resolution business and even for veterans to get a fresh perspective.” Amit C.
534. “This is one of the best continuing education events I have attended. The presenters were knowledgeable, the platform allowed for questions, and they were technically on top of any issues that came up from a 3 day virtual conference. I have been sick with Covid this week and it still managed to hold my attention.” Bronwen A.
535. “It is a great starter course. To get the a good overview of what is IRS reprentation. Now start working on cases!” Owais. S.
536. “The presenters were great, and LG Brooks, really kept me engaged. During the bootcamp I knew this was something I was definitely going to be attending again in person or virtually.” – Karen W.
537. “This hybrid Boot Camp was fantastic! The team did a great job blending the challenging elements of virtual learning with the in-person classroom. In our current COVID world, the lecturing, Q&A, and case study practice were all absolutely seamless. The material was top notch, extremely well organized, and we left with a binder that will be an invaluable resource. LG, Larry, Steve – phenomenal speakers, all of them. They know their stuff, and they know how to present it in such a way that keeps you engaged the WHOLE time! Thank you for the Boot Camp, ASTPS!” – Kim L.
538. “Larry and LG were great , just like everyone else. In my case is the beginning of a new service at my office. the items I purchase and my new subscriptions help me by saving time so I can focus on practicing the case and working in Marketing. If I had t o sit down and put together all the information I received it would take me the next two years, I also have an office to manage. Thank BOOKCAMP!” – Surely M.
539. “Loved it! Simply put, best decision I’ve made this year with regard to my business. I am looking forward to a mutually beneficial professional relationship with ASTPS. Thank you.” – Linda D.
540. “The Boot Camp was extremely thorough, educational, organized and well executed. The speakers were very knowledgeable, engaging and helpful. The topics covered fit perfectly into what I was looking for. I would highly recommend this for new or even experienced practitioners. ” – Erin P.
541. “This is a great learning event to help clients above the normal tax service typically provided. Great tools and resources provided to help in moving forward. Excellent and knowledgeable speakers who are at the top of their field! Great presentation! Thank you!” – Dean S.
542. “This was my first virtual Boot Camp, and have to say that everything presented was perfectly on point – just like the live Boot Camps. The only thing missing was that unmistakable smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies at the afternoon break! Great camaraderie between each of the presenters as always which makes the time not only educational, but fun and the time goes by pretty quickly! Thank you very much for this! I know it has to be harder putting together a virtual event.” – William D.
543. “I have taken this course live and online. I really enjoyed online presentation. But i do like personal advise in person too. You guys did great job. ” – Jorge P.
545. “This was a great training seminar and when I become an EA, I may sign up for the membership. Thank you all for your knowledge and for helping me better understand tax resolution. ” -Stephanie M.
546. “Very informative and boost my confidence level.” -Habeeb F.
547. “This Boot camp is worth the payment, You will have fun with ASTPS team and enjoy the learning.” – Adish D.
548. “I am an experienced attorney who only started doing tax resolution work a few months ago. This boot camp gave me great insight on how to better help my clients and helped me understand what I needed to focus on going forward. Having different points of view (i.e., CPA, EA and Attorney) really helped me as well. Since I am the only attorney at my firm handling tax resolution, it was nice to hear another attorney speak on the matter in a way that I understood.” – Alyssa H.
549. “This was definitely one of the best seminars I have ever attended over my 40+ year career. Larry,LG and Steve were great. I have learned enough over these 4 days to get started in Tax Resolution Work. Knowing that ASTPS is always there to assist me, is the best tool in my ‘Tool Box.’” – Nick F.
550. “Searching on the internet to get different answers for tax compliance and resolutions I found your website and I become a member of your community. I am amazed how much information I found and knowledge I got from high level tax professionals. I will continue to participate in every training you do. It is worth it.” – Lucy E.
551. “This boot camp provided me with knowledge I didn’t have prior to the webinar. The presenters are all full of key tips and information that is necessary to provide IRS resolution. I especially enjoyed the case studies because they are helpful in working through important aspects and scenarios that you may come across in your own practice! Thank you so much for this valuable session and for all the beneficial tools that I now have to help my clients.” – Stacy A.
552. “I truly learned a lot of nuggets doing Boot Camp. I used to work for a Tax Resolution company (which Larry mentioned a couple of times) and never realized all the different aspects of Tax Resolution. I wanted a better understanding of Resolution so I could start my own practice in this area and what Boot Camp thought me was that without attending I would be doing clients a disservice. I truly appreciate the information and skills you have provided to me. ” – Darlene L.
553. “This course is a must for anyone just getting started in tax resolution case work! Great if you’ve been in the game awhile too! I loved getting pro tips from Larry, LG, & Steve to enhance the outcome of my cases.” – Tom H.
554. “The 3 speakers had different styles that complemented each other. All brought knowledge and experience. LG brought passion in addition to the knowledge. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Outstanding job folks!” – Michael F.
555. “ASTPS feels like a family. I was impressed with the audio quality. Look forward to more boot camps in the future. Thank you!” -Rick R.
556. “Thank you so much for the boot camp. I’m going to pour over all the notes and materials provided. I’m excited to get to work and actually make a big difference in people’s lives. Thanks again!” Jeff G.